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Subject: A streak of mettalic colors flys into the tt and stops.(Important for all members)

Wind Chaser
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Date Posted: 15:50:21 05/07/02 Tue

The form soon takes the shape of a large pegasus stallion. He stands before the herd and projecting his voice he states, "Members of Endless Fields I am looking for a few good warriors to help in a war that may start. It is a war for freedom. Lake of Pearls as you know has had some troubles well the troubles look like they may return. We are looking for some brave stallions and mares who are willing to fight to keep the idea of freedom within the kingdoms. Lake of Pearls is a neutral tt but evils maybe helping to fight but I hope that won't stop you. I think that we are all joined in the blood but others have different soul. If we push our conflicts to the side I think we can overcome it for a few days until the battles have been fought." He stands the states, "So any brave souls please speak up."

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Lead walks up. I would help but I am being snuck and i have no active members toi stop it.She says sadly. And no one to get me back.... (NT)Angel17:57:13 05/07/02 Tue

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