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Subject: *!* Ebon stallion lands, silver orbs worn and weary...

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Date Posted: 13:16:41 08/13/02 Tue

He sighs and looks about before calling out for all to hear. We are at war!!! The Dark TT, Bloody Hallow has declared war upon us Light's and Neutral's. We must stand strong in order to survive. All Light's and Neutral's are to meet at my TT, Isle of Enchantment. There, we will decide what we will do to fight back. He rears and leaps back into the sky from which he came, flying off to warn the others...

(OOC: Isle of Enchantment can be reached by clicking here. Also, there is a Confidential board that has two different links on it. One is called Battle Plan, this is where we will meet to prepare for the war. The other is called The Haven, this is where all foal's will stay so that they are safe. Both the Battle Plan and The Haven boards require passwords, so please e-mail me for them.)

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