• His vacuous grin stains him, such entertainment these darks were. Could they be afraid of his words? ± Nifty. Watch as this bowling ball knocks you out. ± Purdent steps atire the phlegmatic virile. Drawing him closer the the vexed group. •Usher of Death
• From his perspective, these darks seemed rather giddy. Stupid even, why would you ignore a ticking time bomb? it seemed nonsense to him. Although, it was not his choice. The vitcims can do as they may. Such buffalos they were, Hey! My friend just got shot, oh well. And so they sit there waiting for themselves to be struck by that devisating blow. ± Home, home on the range.. where the deer and the buffalo play. ± The words echo throughout his mind. Torturing it, and satisfing it. ± yes yes, you must feel special. but remember this, one day there will be two. They shall rise above you all, their rein petrifing you for all eternity. That is, unless I explode first. I honestly love word games. Don't like it? Come on, stop me. I dare you. ± His fatigued chasms attempted to persuade them to try. Just to take one throw at the game he set up so carefully for them. •
Sweet Intoxication
• The incounter with this light almost made the challenger cackle. So she thought she'd join in the fun too, well, Welcome boys and girls. To the greatest outside show on Earth. ± If you don't mind, I'd love not to have any interuptions. This show that you may start up, It will only destroy my plans aswell as theirs. And i shall not only be forced to destroy them, but you aswell. Watch. But don't get involved unless I call you too. ± Sharply watching the bay doe, he assures himself she has seen his glare before returning to his play-mates. •

ooc: Ah! Hello Pirate. I'm glad you enjoyed my little song, of course.. I had believed you played a different.. Well! Such a surprise. I hope you also enjoy what i'll do here =P .. thats right.. I WAS ONE THE GROUND! *cackles* learn to read, or you'll never even come to intermediate. Oh.. aswell.. is that why you try to ignore me? you cant understand? well.. we'll see how long it takes until your vexed too! *meep* weee... *pokes* Don't take offense Treasure. This was to all of you, so.. all of you may take offe-- .. Nevermind..