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Subject: Re: Niagara Football

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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 28, 02:24:53pm
Author Host/IP: syn-024-160-074-215.res.spectrum.com/
In reply to: NUSuperfan 's message, "Niagara Football" on Tuesday, August 27, 08:01:16pm

Actually football can be a positive cash flow sport. you get a few kids to pay some tuition and a bunch on federal aid. I think 10-12 schools added it accross the country this year.
it has to be D1 but can be low budget.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Niagara Football

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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 28, 07:34:58pm
Author Host/IP: va-67-233-80-94.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Yeah ball , I'd love to see it back at Niagara. At D-3, Niagara doesn't need a big stadium. Nice football field with some seating would be just fine. Of course, the football gear, coaches, etc., would take some money. The schedule would need to be with relatively nearby NYS D-3 schools, and those in Western PA, and Eastern Ohio.

ball, the trouble with D-1 is the enormous amount of money that would be required to meet the standards of that level of football. Schools like Army (FBS) Cornell (FCS) Syracuse (FBS) , Albany (FCS), Stony Brook (FCS), Fordham (FCS), etc., would NEVER play AT Niagara without a D-1 football stadium, nor would it play Niagara on their own home fields without a bona fide NCAA D-1 status. In fact, Niagara would never qualify at either the D-1 FBS or FCS level as per the NCAA without all the requisites met; including a D-1 stadium of about probably 20,000 seating capacity at the FCS, and probably no less than 30,000 seats at the FBS level.
[> [> [> Subject: IN FACT: NUFootball

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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 28, 07:49:37pm
Author Host/IP: va-67-233-80-94.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Niagara would be required to start as a D-3 program, and play at that level for a few years before it could be eligible to move up . as per the NCAA.

Sal Maglie Stadium might meet NCAA D-3 standards, so that would be a possibility.

I actually played HS football in that stadium. It was a fun place to play. At half time, all they gave us was a stinkin' orange, one stinkin' orange. Not even a glass of juice. A WARM orange !
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: IN FACT: NUFootball

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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 28, 08:08:51pm
Author Host/IP: syn-024-059-042-147.res.spectrum.com/

Never in a million years would Niagara field a D-1 football team but it's fun to imagine.

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