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Subject: Re: Women’s soccer coach fired

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Date Posted: Friday, August 30, 12:18:20pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/
In reply to: wcpurple 's message, "Re: Women’s soccer coach fired" on Friday, August 30, 10:31:31am

I have NO NOTION of what happened but I am going to paint a picture based on what somebody said in an earlier post and again I have NO IDEA whether alcohol was part of this story or not......however having said that, if a coach has knowledge of a bus driver either using alcohol or being under the influence in performing his job transporting NU students either to or from an activity and doesn't report it, he or she puts those students, himself and anyone else on that bus in danger of injury or worse. It is the coach's responsibility to put the safety of his team and anyone else as his first priority.

If he or she fails to do that, not only is the bus driver guilty but so is the coach who let the incident slide. Removing the coach for such negligence and irresponsibility would seem automatic in my opinion.

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[> [> [> Subject: To RCM...

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Date Posted: Friday, August 30, 12:53:00pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

You know, only based the fact that you first reported it and then gave your opinion not knowing shit as far as the facts go, I'm going to go out on a limb and opine that NU in this case might be anything BUT rinky dink in this particular instance.

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