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Subject: Re: Guess What Joe ?.

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Date Posted: Monday, September 16, 08:49:50pm
Author Host/IP: va-67-233-80-94.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/
In reply to: NUSuperfan 's message, "Guess What Joe ?." on Monday, September 16, 06:04:44pm

I kid a lot about drinking BUT I don't drink alcohol either. I have never done drugs, never smoked, but a little pussy never hurt anybody.

Someday I will tell you my real name. I have done a lot of things and one of them has involved working with Pete Noone. One of my songs was written in honor of the Hermits, and charted at #52 . I have recorded 3 albums with 3 singles with one album recorded in Buffalo at the Outer Limit Recording Studio. All my music is now on You Tube.

Hopefully, some day we will get together and laugh our ass off over a couple bottles of N/A beers or if you prefer, a couple of diet cokes or Pepsi's. I'll buy !

By the way, I took my guitar lessons at Brundo's on Pine Avenue. Do you remember Buddy Brundo ?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Guess What Joe ?.

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Monday, September 16, 10:00:39pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

I sure do. I started my percussion lessons there when I was 12.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Guess What Joe ?.

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 07:26:57pm
Author Host/IP: va-67-233-80-94.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Carmen Mosier was my teacher. Later on I met Tommy Tedesco. Some time ago, I bought his book, "For Guitar Players Only".

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