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Subject: Re: Forbes gave Niagara a D

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 25, 07:04:58am
Author Host/IP: syn-045-046-140-085.res.spectrum.com/
In reply to: wcpurple 's message, "Forbes gave Niagara a D" on Tuesday, September 24, 10:30:48am

Interestingly enough
US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT also ranked them as the best.

These polls are all sketchy. You never know who to trust. I do know that to promote you are on the US NEWS REPORT you have to pay $10K to say that you are. So if you have to have to pay $10K that might not be the most bias.

It is all about value tho.

At the price of a SUNY school NU is probably an A+
At the price of $30K its probably a B-
At the price of $50K it is probably a C-

The more expensive these schools get the less valuable they are to the consumer.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Forbes gave Niagara a D

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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 25, 10:36:22am
Author Host/IP: syn-071-080-194-159.res.spectrum.com/

About 30% of the students are education majors, takes about 10 years for the loan to be paid off plus teachers in NY don't make real money for about 15 years unless they coach three sports.

RCM is correct, the higher the price tag, the less value Niagara has. NU, DYC, Daemen, Hilbert, Villa all can't survive in this area. Medaille found out the hard way.

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