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Date Posted: Monday, September 30, 02:32:52pm
Author Host/IP: syn-067-249-246-087.res.spectrum.com/
In reply to: Terfra1 's message, "Re: DOES NU HAVE A FUTURE IN DIVISION I /SIMON GRAY" on Friday, September 27, 09:47:05pm

It'll be a big deal to go to NU basketball games when the team starts winning more...win and they will come. But true, the administration could do something to encourage attendance. It's like they don't care.

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[> [> [> Subject: cushy job

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 10:41:29am
Author Host/IP: syn-071-080-194-159.res.spectrum.com/

let's see - whats the incentive for athletics to have big attendance at games? I'll make assumptions on their duties


Simon's job is to fundraise and oversee athletics

Ticket Office Coordinator/Secretary-Hockey is a shared position, do they make calls to renew season tickets? group sales?

Senior Associate Athletic Director/Senior Woman Administrator doesn't have any duties listed on the web site

Internal person
direct responsibility for the department of compliance, human resources, facilities and operations. She will have direct oversight of several athletic programs and employees, as well as summer camps, the equipment room and executing several contracts

My guess, like a lot of corporations - the top two have cushy jobs in my opinion

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