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Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

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Date Posted: Monday, September 30, 11:19:10pm
Author Host/IP: NoHost/
In reply to: Maldez 's message, "Re: RIP Pete Rose" on Monday, September 30, 08:42:42pm

Deserves to be in the Hall of Fame on his merits. Don't get me wrong, he should never have gotten involved with gambling, especially betting on his own team.

But there is no doubt about his baseball greatness. He had more hits than Ty Cobb and that's saying something.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 07:29:46am
Author Host/IP: syn-067-249-246-087.res.spectrum.com/

Now that he's dead he'll get voted into the Hall of Fame, too late to do him any good. One of the greatest ball players of all time.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 11:18:11am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

I hope he's voted in. It would probably be under the Veteran Category. I don't care what category it is, he should be voted in on the next ballot.
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 07:09:50pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

IMO, Charlie does not deserve to be in the HOF. Cheating as manager of the team you are betting for/against?
That's outrageous conduct that simply alone should disqualify him. Never admitted it until 2004.

Sometimes in life you can't have it both ways. MLB finally took a stand and up came the detractors. He's not alone. McGuire, Bonds, Clemmons, Sosa form a Hall Of Shame.
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 11:16:26pm
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Nothing you said was wrong, but I believe his accomplishments on the baseball field shouldn’t be ignored. Should OJ Simpson be in the Football Hall of Fame ? I say that he is in because of his stats. Do I despise OJ ? Yes ! But he still deserves to be in the Hall based on his accomplishments.
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 11:29:11pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

OJ was elected to the Hall 1n 1985. He went to trial in 1995.
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: A perspective..

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 11:46:30pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose

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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 02, 12:35:08am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Yes, I knew that, however, my point was that OJ is still in the Hall ; they could have removed him. There was talk of that back then. In fact, there was talk about removing OJ from the Buffalo Bills Wall of Fame.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: RIP Pete Rose AND His Stats

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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 02, 12:45:13am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Joe, I agree with your feelings and stance on Pete Rose, I really do. My opinion is that as much as I abhor Rose for what he did, I can dichotomize his awful choice from his baseball accomplishments. That's how I deal with the matter.

All those players who took steroids to enhance their performances are far more egregious in my opinion because their accomplishments were aided by drugs. We can never be sure how many home runs, rbi, hits, averages, etc. were due to the affect of steroids. At least Rose's stats were fully due to his actual non-drug induced performances. Rose's gambling was awful, but his stats cannot be questioned.

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