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Subject: Multi Million $$ NU Investment Becomes Trinket Store

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Date Posted: Friday, October 18, 10:13:56am
Author Host/IP: 126.sub-174-234-237.myvzw.com/

Drove by the TREC Building that NU bought and poured millions of dollars into. The construction started in 2018. It opened around 2020. They shut it down about 2 years ago. It is now a trinket shop called Tuggy's Bazaar.

NU poured millions of dollars into it. It was a super cool place and a super cool business incubator.

I wonder what the future of the Church they bought for a million dollars in the inner city is?


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[> Subject: Re: Multi Million $$ NU Investment Becomes Trinket Store

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Date Posted: Friday, October 18, 03:10:49pm
Author Host/IP: c-73-81-233-189.hsd1.pa.comcast.net/

The project developer, Montante, probably owned the building with Niagara U being a tenant.
This is prime example that a single building in the middle of a blighted area will never do much. I guess NU didn’t learn their lesson when they purchased that church building off Main Street a few years ago. Even worse, that building has no visibility on Main Street and can stay hidden in the trash of the neighborhood.
[> Subject: Re: Multi Million $$ NU Investment Becomes Trinket Store

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Date Posted: Friday, October 18, 03:32:36pm
Author Host/IP: syn-045-046-140-085.res.spectrum.com/

Montante had the apartments above them. When NU went to Montante to break their lease TM told them to pound rocks. NU then subleased it (or some similar arrangement) to a sight seeing company. There also remains the question of the claw back agreements all the grants NU got to help fund the project..

You are correct. NU thought that kids from NU would come down there for various things. That never ever took off. They had really good people working there. Pat Whalen who has been very successful in the business incubation ecosystem was there. He and the Director left a few years ago about a week apart. The Director is now in a great roll at M and T bank.

Cutting staff and programs on campus and buying abandoned buildings in rough parts of Niagara Falls seems to be a pretty unique strategy.

It is a shame to see the failure of TREC and the project. It had a ton of potential.
[> Subject: RCM is correct

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Date Posted: Friday, October 18, 09:32:34pm
Author Host/IP: syn-071-080-194-159.res.spectrum.com/

The roster caps from the house settlement will have a significant impact on us, particularly as teams are forced to make cuts. We were already at a disadvantage, and the introduction of NIL only complicates matters further. I haven't heard much about enrollment, but I noticed that Niagara was one of four schools left out of the recent enrollment article. USC is in a more challenging location than Niagara, having essentially closed off its campus, which seems to be the exact opposite of Niagara's approach—getting students off campus. The walk across campus to a basketball game felt long 30 years ago; I can't imagine having to walk downtown now from campus. At least Niagara Falls was safer.

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