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Subject: Re: Men's Hoops starts in 2 weeks

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Date Posted: Monday, October 21, 06:15:09pm
Author Host/IP: syn-067-248-227-222.res.spectrum.com/
In reply to: Old man 's message, "Men's Hoops starts in 2 weeks" on Monday, October 21, 03:46:31pm

Worst-run athletic department in the nation!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Men's Hoops starts in 2 weeks

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Monday, October 21, 06:44:48pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

The school has always done the minimum to boost the basketball program, but it has managed to reached a new minimum: Nothing.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: Men's Hoops starts in 2 weeks

Purp 1
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Date Posted: Monday, October 21, 07:00:53pm
Author Host/IP: syn-074-070-140-050.res.spectrum.com/

You know, just to remind you folks who have been sleeping since the 1960s, Niagara is not a sports school. It's primarily a college with a basketball program. The diversity today on campus which includes more than the make up of students by gender and nationality and the location as a commuter school doesn't become a part of one's everyday life.

Also, in the past the local businesses were more involved whereas nowadays, everything is dictated from within the walls of the school. They have some sponsors and perhaps with the P&W they raise a nice little amount of money, but it's never enough money because the one thing the school does best is ask for money.

The school is not concerned with "selling out the place" for basketball. It's not a priority and past experience has taught them that big crowds don't equate to big donations (Right, Eagle)? Still looking for your name in the Annual Report of donors.

So complain all you want to. It's not the worst run AD in the nation by NO MEANS. Buy the marketing is flat lining. That I will admit to.
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Men's Hoops starts in 2 weeks

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 22, 09:24:21am
Author Host/IP: syn-067-248-227-222.res.spectrum.com/

The worst-run athletic department in the nation!

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