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Subject: Re: Canisius Planning Picket & Teach-In Tomorrow

Linwood Larry
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Date Posted: Friday, October 25, 08:43:45am
Author Host/IP: pool-96-240-81-197.bflony.east.verizon.net/
In reply to: Purp 1 's message, "Canisius Planning Picket & Teach-In Tomorrow" on Thursday, October 24, 05:30:44pm

There's a line in the article about not making cuts that reflect declining enrollment that really hits the nail on the head for many colleges. And it's not just excessive faculty and staff compared to enrollment - there's also the problem of having to maintain a physical plant (with diminished revenue) that was intended for a significantly larger student population.

President Steve is probably going too far too fast with these cuts, but I'm not sure what else he is supposed to do when the problems have piled up over a number of years.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Canisius Planning Picket & Teach-In Tomorrow

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Date Posted: Friday, October 25, 09:25:29am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/


Reduced yield per student. Scholarships for showing up to an open house etc.. Power, gas, etc all rising.

Tough spot for all.

The basic long term viability is toast for schools

You could not take a business plan on today’s small private college model to a bank and get money to start one.

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