Purp 1
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Date Posted: Friday, November 08, 01:07:13pm
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Everything you believed, followed, felt a part of, witnessed and hoped for has been tossed out the window for good. These former players like Mendez, Lewis, Cruz,and even as far back as Manny, come back and reignite with a community they knew and still remain friends with.
I remember ages ago going to MSG to see a game vs SJU and NU had a pre game reception. I saw an older man there and he had a name tag on and it was Charlie Hoxey. This guy after NU was drafter by the St Louis Hawks and was also a Harlem Globetrotter. I was 2 years old when this guy did his thing at NU, but I read and heard tremendous stories about him. I went up to this man to thank him and to tell him that he was a building block of the NU program and how much admired him for how good a player he was and for how many people (old guys) either remembered him or knew of him.
He was shocked, and I mean he was flabbergasted. My friend who I was with just looked at each other in disbelief.
That's what else went out the window. Stories, memories and years and years of fanship, if there is a word like that.