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Date Posted: 22:30:03 07/28/01 Sat
Author: sigh
Subject: The simplest way to make money

Hello Everyone,
Here is the simplest way to make money on the internet that I have found.
You should make this part of your daily routine. It will take under 1/2 hour per day.
Send it to everyone you know and we can all make money.
1)Open an e-mail account at
2) Send me an e-mail with your new e-mail account in the body and "NEW ACCOUNT" in the subject. Send it to: sigh@zwallet.com
3) Go to the following domains and subscribe to as many opt-in e-mail lists as you think you can handle, using your new zWallet account. Be aware that five or six opt-in lists will provide around 300 emails EVERY day, which will quickly fill your Inbox if they are not read or deleted at very regular intervals. DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO TOO MANY LISTS at once!
*Note: You must follow their rules specifically or you may be accused of spamming.
(If for some reason, you don't subscribe to lists, don't worry. You will be receiving an e-mail per day from each person on your first level.)
You can also get a lot of e-mails from the following list when you sign up for free, and then you can advertise once per week as a free member to the entire list. I've had tremendous success with this list tp://www.thesuperpromoter.com
4) Copy this e-mail and replace my user name in the zWallet link above with your new user name.
5) Read 20 e-mails per day, and delete the rest delete the rest of them, unless you want to read them, too. Be sure to read the one sent to you by your upline, it might contain description of another interesting business you might join to improve your income.
6) Send an e-mail to all 20 of your 1st level downlines per day. You should do this separately. Keep them in your address book and just send a word or two like "here". Or you could describe another interesting business
for your downlines to join. Send an e-mail to your upline too with description of your downlines with number of participants in your first, second and third level. This lets your upline know how business goes and where an effort could be made to help you.
7) Get 20 people in your downline started and teach them to do the same, just like I have done with you!
SIMPLE, isn't it? This is the one of the ways we will be making money in the team
To see how this will work go to
and figure it out for yourself on the calculator. 20 e-mails read per day by 20 members each, 20 e-mails sent per day by 20 members each, all doing the same through 4 levels is $323,369.76 per month! Even if your success rate
is only 1%, you can be making $3,200 per month!!
Here is a quick calculation I did
Calculate Your Potential Monthly Income
Step 1: Primary Referrals 20
Step 2: Secondary Referrals 20
Step 3: Reading Emails per Day 20
Step 4: Sending Emails per Day 20
Step 5: Other Page Views per Day 20-Enter average number of page views such as Address Book,
Account Into etc., per day
Here is your potential monthly income
$ 485,054.64 U.S. dollars/month

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