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Subject: Keep Fighting Them !!

Gabriel Angeles
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Date Posted: 02:01:52 07/06/03 Sun

I happened upon your site while doing a search on Google for information about references to Lucifer in the Bible, the reason being is I am a writer and like to keep a good record of facts when I write. Anyway one of the links I was given was that the Landover site and a rather nasty if somewhat humerous article regarding the movie Toy Story 2 which was obviously written before the movie was released as the actual movie is nothing like they way they portray it to be. Any way as I clicked around the site I was much surprised that they had your internet address in their links as an enemy to them and well I have always been curious so I had come and have a look. After reading the article about Toy Story 2 I was left with a feeling that the Landover group of people pretty much embodied every reason why I am myself not religious. They seem to be all about hate and not at all like what I was expecting so when I saw this link I was interested to hear your side of the story.

Okay two things before I continue. 1; My name is just a name nothing more and yes before you wonder it is my real name. This does not mean I think I am an angel as I am far from it and no I am not here to judge you. 2; Yes I did state that I am not a religious man and this is true, I am not a believer and am not going to pretend to be just so I can leave this message.

My only thought after reading what you had written about your time with these people is that of an apology really. You said you slapped people in the face as they answered their door to you. I'm am sure this is something that you deeply regret doing now and I am sure that if any of those people came to this page they would appreciate a small apology, just a thought if you decide to update the page at some point.

Finally I just wanted to wish you good luck. Never having been in a position like yours myself I cannot imagine how harrowing life has been for you since you left this group. I sincerely hope that you manage to lose these people that constantly hound your life and you manage to leave all of that in your past and enjoy life again.

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I will NEVER apologize for slapping trash!Dora Denkins13:10:54 07/06/03 Sun

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