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Subject: Re: So, is Landover a Real Church?

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Date Posted: 11:32:18 07/30/03 Wed
In reply to: Landover and Betty Bowers Hater 's message, "Re: So, is Landover a Real Church?" on 22:03:37 07/03/03 Thu

>Every intellegent human knows that not only do
>christians disobey their own rules, but the Bible in
>its own has hundreds, if not thousands, of
>contradictions. Such as the commandment, " Thou shall
>not kill", this commandment seems to have been changed
>to, "Thou shall not kill unless in the name of God, or
>if you think the victim is evil." Maybe someday in the
>future they will see the errors of their religion, get
>a real hobby, and maybe lose their arrogance and
>respect someone other than themselves and the
>non-existant being they worship.

After reading the Landover site, I've stopped being a Christian. I used to hold the Bible as the one thing that was not corrupted, but it is true that there are so many errors. I am now certain that Christianity was made by the bigots for the bigots. And I do not want to be a part of that.

I don't know if God exists. He may do, he may not. But the corruption of Christianity has forced me to renounce my belief in him. It's not like anyone can know for sure.

Christianity (or just the Landover Church?) states that if you do not believe in God, you go to hell. If that's the case, then I don't want to go to Heaven. I would never side with someone who would damn the unbelievers to hell. I'd rather be pitchforked.

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I love it!Lizzy09:04:45 07/31/03 Thu
    re: i love it!a lapsed catholic02:07:14 09/02/03 Tue

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