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Subject: What is the OBJECTIVE??!? I really need to know!

Lotta Nicols
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Date Posted: 13:55:44 04/24/02 Wed

Dear bretheren and sisterns,

I am a confused and wretched soul at this moment. I have looked and pondered the meaning of many entries I have found at the website for OBJECTIVE ministries (http://members.truepath.com/objective/propaganda.html) and I cannot for the life of me decide if these people are for real or are in the same league as the WWF wrestlers.

For example, an off-the-cuff mention of that Ministry's picketing of Americhrist's headquarters also mentions that they ended up picketing the wrong address. It behooves me that a legitimate ministry website would admit to such idiocy. One point on the "fake" side.

Another - mcuh funnier - point: The Ministry's store is tryign to design a "beanie baby' replacement, one such item being "AL, the Anti-Lies bear", a small plush item. yet, the website clearly describes the fact that PURPLE was the original color chosen for this particular item in their bear line. But then they tell us that they realized purple was a color favored by the nasty homosexuals, so they decided instead to go with a rainbow-colored fabric. This really made my poor brains spin. Is this a joke? Or are they that clueless?

Can anyone "in the know" please clarify this for me? I could see it both ways oh so easily:

A marginal ministry, such as OBJECTIVE, could actually find the Good Works of Landover Baptist a huge competition and seriously want them shut down.

But I could also see this as a brilliant yet fraudulant scheme by some clever members of Landover Baptists to try and raise their members' ire and, much a our current Administration is doing, stir up the congregation and rally them to Landover Baptist's defence and then get a much better tithing haul from them.

Oh, my aching brains...

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Re: What is the OBJECTIVE??!? I really need to know!Sam3518:23:23 03/30/03 Sun

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