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Subject: Re: Is Senator Liberman The Next Jospeh?

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Date Posted: 21:07:56 05/14/03 Wed
In reply to: B. Peterson 's message, "Is Senator Liberman The Next Jospeh?" on 08:00:12 01/28/03 Tue

You seem to be a person filled with bitterness and hate. Why are you so condemnational? Did not Jesus, who I assume you claim to represent say, "let him who has no sinned cast the first stone". Granted, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Jackson have made terrible mistakes, but none of us born of human flesh has the right to call anyone "evil" or a " son of hell". None of us knows what is in there heart or where they are personally with Christ. God looks no more harshly on their sin than he does on yours and mine. What men like Mr. Clinton and Mr. Jackson need is our prayers and compassion, not our judgements. They are falible, but so are you and I and the rest of humanity (unless of course you profess to be Jesus Christ). Billy Graham has taken the right approach in this matter and been an example of Christ to those who desperatly need one. Perhaps you should return to your Bible.
p.s. just because Joeseph Liberman supports abortion (which I agree is a barbaric and horrible practice in most circumstances) does not make him a murderer, it just makes him wrong. And for the record, many Presidents before Clinton including some of our founding fathers had extra-marital affaris. Clinton was not the first to make this mistake. King David himself, whom God calls a man after his heart had relationships that were not sanctioned by God.

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