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Subject: Fort Worth Star-Telegram Double Standards

Wally Duncaster
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Date Posted: 05:58:18 06/15/03 Sun

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Double Standards
in Reporting about Mike Murdoch and Rev. Billy Graham.

“Early in his ministry, the Rev. Billy Graham relinquished control to a board of directors to help ensure that there would be no conflicts of interest. Graham is a charter member of the evangelical council.

In 2000, he received $197,911, including benefits and an expense account, for his work as chairman of the ministry, according to the organization's IRS forms. The ministry's revenue that year was $125 million.”( [Mike Murdock] Profit in the pulpit Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Mar. 2, 2003
http://www.dfw.com/ By DARREN BARBEE, Star-Telegram Staff Writer)

Dear Newsreporters,

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram did not report truthfully that the Southern Baptist Evangelist and crook Billy Graham in 2000 spent over 50 percent of his time in bed or in the hospital. It didn’t report about all the hidden charges to his organization including health care provider and helper that he didn't pay directly. It didn’t report that At 84, Billy Graham Is Taking 100% Salary As CEO and Employee and working less than 10 %!

Although requested by me on numerous occassion Billy will not release his personal income tax like Bill Clinton did and President Bush does. I don't have to release my income tax as my salary doesn't come to me from a non-profit organization and I am not a CEO like Billy is!

So please check into the follow facts and the email that I sent to B.G.E.A. that they are stonewalling?

At 84, Billy Graham Is Taking 100% Salary As CEO and Employee and working less than 10 %!

----- Original Message -----
From: duncaster@hotmail.com
To: <"Barb Webb" >
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003

Dear Barbara,

Thank you for your reply concerning Billy Graham's memory lapse!

I have an important question to which I would like to have an answer does Dr. Billy Graham at 84 years of age still take a 100 percent salary as a employee and chairman of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Organization and work less than 25 percent of time?

The sad part about Billy Graham's refusal to accept real responsibility is his use of the phrase "Although I have no memory of the occasion, I deeply regret comments I apparently made in an Oval Office conversation with President Nixon ... some 30 years ago." You will appreaciate Bill Clinton the former President of United States and a great liar also used a similar phrase to avoid answering questions asked of him during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and would state " I don't recall." But God has a perfect memory and he recalls all things and so do others.

Graham's two faced hypocrisy also came out in a 1989 when a Graham memo to Nixon was made public. It took the form of a secret letter from Graham, dated April 15, 1969, drafted after Graham met in Bangkok with missionaries from Vietnam. These men of God said that if the peace talks in Paris were to fail, Nixon should step up the war and bomb the dikes. Such an act, Graham wrote excitedly, "could overnight destroy the economy of North Vietnam".

Graham lent his imprimatur to this recommendation. Thus the preacher was advocating a policy to the US Commander in Chief that on Nixon's own estimate would have killed a million people.

This disclosure of Graham as an aspirant war criminal did not excite any commotion when it became public in 1989, twenty years after it was written.

Billy Graham has raised up two sons Ned and Franklin who are as deceitful as their father. Ned Graham, the son of Billy Graham, Southern Baptist minister, president East Gates International, a group that distributes Bibles in China told Christianity Today in an interview that he had abused alcohol and spent an "inappropriate amount of time" with two women on his staff.

Grace Community Church, Southern Baptist Convention, in Auburn, Washington--which counted Ned Graham, his wife, and their two sons as members established the fact that Ned Graham was an adulterer, alcoholic, wife abuser, and drug user and revoked Graham's ministerial credentials. It directed Graham to stop using the title reverend.

Yet in a style reminiscent of Jimmy Swaggart, who refused to be defrocked by the Assembly of God denomination, Ned Graham left that congregation for another church.
Most of the staff and board members of East Gates International resigned amid controversies. East Gates, in Sumner, Wash., withdrew its membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability after Ned replaced the board members with his sister Ruth Graham McIntyre, brother-in-law Stephan Tchividjian, and business leader Peter Lowe.
Graham's sister Gigi Tchividjian has joined the office staff and Ned Graham continues as East Gates president. The ECFA the self-policing organization Billy Graham helped start requires that a majority of board members not be related by blood or marriage, which is no longer the case for East Gates. Nepotism is alive and well in Evangelical ministries?

A December East Gates fund-raising letter included a note from his father saying that "Ruth and I are proud of and grateful to God for our son Ned." East Gates has distributed 2 million Bibles to Christians in China, Billy Graham said, encouraging Christians to "back this unique and effective ministry."

It is interesting to see the most famous "evangelist" (some say) not being able to educate his children, especially Ned. At the same time, having a bunch of so-called Christians following the leadership of such wreckless person. Franklin Graham wears jeans, boots, denim shirt, and leather jacket. He was a teen rebel who drank, smoked, fought, and led police on high-speed chases. He was kicked out of LeTourneau College. He used to be a rebel and a 'bum' got religion and become more sophisticated and formed "the Samaritan's Purse' so that he can fly around the country and charge things to his non-profit corporation. As a result his ministry, Samaritan's Purse, had a run-in with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA suspended Samaritan's Purse while it looked into Franklin's (Graham) compensation and use of the company plane.
Although Billy Graham encourages religious leaders to be open about their salaries and publish their finances none of the Grahams reveal their total compensation nor release their personal income tax as President Bush does and former President Clinton has done. It's the law of the land that all non profit chairman of corporations must reveal their total salary and that Billy, Ned and Franklin do not to their donors speak volumes of their hypocrisy?

Yes, Jesus told us to beware of hypcrites like Dr. Billy Graham.
Wally Duncaster

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barb Webb"
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 2:39 PM
Subject: Mr. Graham

Dear Friend:

Mr. Graham apologized in regard to the Nixon tapes which were
recently broadcast. Although Mr. Graham had no memory of what he had said, he felt it was appropriate at this time to give an apology. He does not actually feel about Jewish people in the way the words were said. Mr. Graham has made many friends over the years among the Jewish leaders and rabbis and has a great respect for them.

Please pray for Mr. Graham and our Association--that we will be truly faithful and obedient to our Lord. May God bless you.

Barbara Webb
Administrative Services

Beware Of Hypocrisy

In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy "For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. "Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. Luke 12:1-3
Yes, Jesus taught His disciples first of all in front of an innumerable multitude of people to beware of hypocrisy with a promise “For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. "Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.” Now many foolish one just don’t seem to get it that whatever is spoken or done in secret will one day come out just like it did with Southern Baptist Evangelist Billy Graham.
It seemed impossible, when H. R. Haldeman's White House diaries came out in 1994, that the Rev. Billy Graham could once have joined with President Richard M. Nixon in discussing the "total Jewish domination of the media." Could Mr. Graham, the great American evangelist, really have said the nation's problem lies with "satanic Jews," as Mr. Nixon's aide recorded?
Mr. Graham's sterling reputation as a healer and bridge-builder was so at odds with Mr. Haldeman's account that Jewish groups paid little attention, especially because he denied the remarks so strongly.
"Those are not my words," Mr. Graham said in a public statement in May 1994. "I have never talked publicly or privately about the Jewish people, including conversations with President Nixon, except in the most positive terms."
That was the end of the story, it seemed, until two weeks ago, when the tape of that 1972 conversation in the Oval Office was made public by the National Archives. Three decades after it was recorded, the North Carolina preacher's famous drawl is tinny but unmistakable on the tape, denigrating Jews in terms far stronger than the diary accounts.
"They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff," Mr. Graham said on the tape, after agreeing with Mr. Nixon that left-wing Jews dominate the news media. The Jewish "stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," he continued, suggesting that if Mr. Nixon were re-elected, "then we might be able to do something."
Finally, Mr. Graham said that Jews did not know his true feelings about them.
"I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know," he told Mr. Nixon, referring to A. M. Rosenthal, then the newspaper's executive editor. "And all — I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances."
Mr. Graham, who is now 83 and in poor health, quickly issued a four- sentence apology, but he did not acknowledge making the statements and said he had no memory of the conversation, which took place after a prayer breakfast on Feb. 1, 1972.[1]
The comments were all the more stinging because Graham had long been considered a staunch friend of the Jewish people. He lobbied for freer emigration of Soviet Jews, castigated Southern Baptists for singling out Jews for conversion and has long supported the state of Israel. When the tapes first surfaced, Graham issued an apology but said he couldn't remember making the comments. [2]
Billy Graham could claim to be a spokesman for Christianity all he wants, but what he said was and is not God and God let him be seen for what he is, a hypocrite and racist. Now Billy Graham will have to answer to God for his lies and cover up and will go down in history for what he was, an evangelist who hated Jews, but it’s a warning that no one is safe from being exposed for things said or done in secret.
Speaking of hypocrisy amongst the Pharisees, the media reported that
"About half of Baptist organizations contacted by the independent newspaper Baptists Today would not disclose salary information for their top executive. Three Southern Baptist Convention entities said policies allowed them to release only salary ranges.
Presidents Albert Mohler of Southern Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and Kenneth Hemphill of Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, declined to provide any information on compensation. New Orleans Seminary did not return numerous phone calls regarding the salary of President Charles Kelley. However, the IRS requires all colleges and universities to report the salaries of the top five paid staff members, Brumley explained." [3]

[1] March 17, 2002 The New York Times Billy Graham Responds to Lingering Anger Over 1972 Remarks on Jews By DAVID FIRESTONE
[2] Friday, March 22, 2002 Graham weathering the storm Evangelist fighting for respect after controversy at the twilight of his career By Allen G. Breed Associated Press
[3] The Associated Baptist Press - www.abpnews.com on April 3, 2001

Billy Graham and the Last Crusades!
Sick and Dying Billy Graham on His Last Legs?

Graham walked to a wooden podium on the arm of his son, who placed a chair behind him in case he needed to sit as he preached. Graham, who has Parkinson's disease and underwent brain surgery in 2001, said he thought two years ago he might die reported the Associated Press 2003.
Getting to the pulpit these days is more difficult than ever for 84-year-old evangelist Billy Graham, the friend of U.S. presidents and premier evangelist of his day who is now battling Parkinson's disease fluid on the brain and other ailments.

Graham's spokesman A. Larry Ross said the great evangelist needs to conserve all his energy for preaching because he plans to do that "until God calls him home."

Yet at 84, Billy Graham Is Taking 100% Salary As CEO and Employee and working less than 10 %? Is that right and fair? Do other employees in his organization have the same benefits?


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