Subject: Re: Definition of a witch |
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Date Posted: 11:21:30 07/13/03 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Definition of a witch" on 17:25:31 07/04/03 Fri
>>If she weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of
>>wood, and therefore a witch.
>>Didn't they know that?
>*dies laughing* Ok, an hour ago I was tired, now I'm
>hooked on this (and the landover) site!
*starts laughing* I've been reading through all of this, and I have to say, all it's done it make for a rather amusing read rather than make me want to sign up at the Landover Baptist Church.
Not that I would anyway, as I am one of the very people they profess to hate. Being a wiccan and all. Dora, my thoughts and wishes are with you.
You've definitely done the right thing by getting out when you did.
I cannot imagine why people would want to live like this. A life filled with nothing but rules, overseers and where you are treated like prisoners.
It can hardly be normal that you are watched all the time, one hint of 'abnormal behaviour' and you are called in for 'cleansing'. It's like having a guard following you around 24/7 and being afraid of your own shadow - and being afraid of stepping out of line. The lie that you make one mistake and are condemned to eternal torment is being spread everyday, and sadly many are falling for it. I am not saying that you should go around doing things that society percieves to be wrong, but eternal damnation is not hanging over our shoulders, waiting to descend upon us without a moments notice.
I've read through the site, and the article on spanking of boys and girls, and the list of things that makes a man a 'sissy' in the Landover Baptist's Church's eyes; well, the latter made me laugh at pretty much all of the things listed on there, and the former made me feel sick to my stomach.
How can any loving parent do *that* to their child? Even if the child has mis-behaved, it is no excuse to cause that kind of physical harm.
Blessed be,
P.S. I agree with the roses comment. Having them as a bakground is kind of hypocritical considering what you preach to the 'unsaved'. But I'm not going to say anything else. Far be it from me to stoop to your level and try and change a cult that is outdated in its methods. Like your and your merry little group of cultists attempt to do every day.
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