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Subject: get your facts straight

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Date Posted: 19:04:17 08/06/03 Wed

Now then where to begin.I was reading through some of the stuff on this message board and was amazed at some of the stuff i read especially what u said about the wiccans. I myself am a satanist not a devil worshipper a satanist we are people who believe in the devil yes but a lot those that claim to be a 'devil worshipper' use my lords name to kill people animals etc. Now gettin back to what u said about wiccans they definately are not devil worshippers. They are children of nature, mother earth. They do not kill animals or children or anyone for that matter, I may b a satanist but i do know wiccans and i respect their beliefs if you truly were a christian woman you would also accept their beliefs. Surely christians do not have prejudice against anyone. That is what i was taught. Now i ask you to acknowledge what i have written and apoligise to these wiccans for although they do not practise the art of black magic i however do and i take offence at any one who insults, harms, abuses mentally or physically in anyway a witch of any chosen path. Apologise or face damnation to hell to meet my lord. I await ur reply

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Re: get your facts straightNikki22:08:19 08/13/03 Wed

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