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Subject: Help is at hand...

The Reverend Filthy Phil (Universal Life)
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Date Posted: 17:09:24 04/28/02 Sun

Dear Dora,

I am an ordained minister and Pastor of the Church of the Dessicated Cockroach (services held at the biker bar every Friday and Saturday night. Anyone willing to buy a round is welcome). We are non-denomatial and our services are informal. Sermons are usually under 15 minutes so that the congregation has time to reflect upon the message before the collection plate goes around (I KNOW who put the discount coupon for a bottle of ExLax in there last week, and I'll deal with that back-slider in due course. What, does he think we're a bunch of Baptists, or something?).

Anyhow, please consider this communication as a warm invitation to attend. Here at Dessicated Cockroach, we have many who have become disillusioned with other churches, including the tyrannical Landover, and to all of them we've offered the chance to find their places in a diverse group of more or less belivers. The solace of alcohol is also available in the form of beer and whiskey (no wine, as that smacks of ritual canniblism).

And we have a lot of fun. Do you shoot eight-ball?

Yours, in the faith of the Immortal Coackroach (just try and get rid of all of them)........,

Rev. Filthy

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