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Subject: Re: And you call yourselves christians

Pastor Swaggart
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Date Posted: 11:27:43 06/02/02 Sun
In reply to: Robert 's message, "Re: And you call yourselves christians" on 16:26:52 01/21/02 Mon

>>I can not beleive that those sanctified in christ can
>>write such wicked and sinfull things. Oh yea
>>pharacies. You speak like the uncleansed which you say
>>this woman is. Yes I do believe by her testamony that
>>she is not saved. However I also am absolutely
>>determined that you all are not saved either. And to
>>call yourselves a Baptist minstry is blasphemy in my
>>mind. You all need to get heavily in the word and
>>understand. These tithe you all speak of, well it goes
>>to God almighty and not the pastor or the church. It
>>should be used for upkeep of the building and for
>>outreach programs. You all seem very adiment in your
>>feelings but feelings, works, and money get you not
>>into heaven. Only confession from they mouth and
>>beleif in thy heart and turning from sin(which is
>>obvious you all haven't) you may enter the kindom of
>>God. Now ALL have sinned and come short of the glory
>>of God, and that means all of you. If you want you can
>>email me and I will resond to you and answer what I
>>can. The only thing I can say for you all is to pray
>>and to let the lord speak to your heart and to realy
>>understand that Gods plan is love Christ himself said
>>this. So please calm yourselves and let the lord
>>intoyour lives.
>>your friend in christ,
>David my friend you speak of the word you speak of God
>you speak of saved and unsaved my friend do you not
>know that it is Grace that saves have you not read or
>do you just believe by mere prayer or even beleive
>saves do think that babtism is all that is needed you
>judge and will judged according to the measure of GOD
>not the measure of man you speak with such hostility
>as if only to get you thiughts and feelings across it
>seems with little concern of others I am not her to
>judge or speak rashly of others but to inform all of
>Grace what is grace is the meaning of the cross grace
>is Jesus when I fall when I fail I know that it is by
>Grace, Gods love which is Jesus that I myself can
>stand confident in what I feel and know with out
>trying to force upon others but speak with them hoping
>that the Grace of God in my life may change there life
>you must see that without people feeling your love you
>yourself in there eyes become self rightous and you
>should know that Jesus talked more about the religous
>people that the murders adulturers and thiefs because
>of there hearts and they followed the law better than
>you and I so give heart and thought to what you say
>more importantly why you say it my name is Robert I am
>20 years old and go to the Los Angelos Church of
>Christ and I am looking forward to hearing back from
Robert - God even loves those who don't have the ability to use "Spellcheck" or make change at the local Ray Kroc Temple.

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