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Subject: Do they know what they are talking about?

Magi Darkstalker
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Date Posted: 01:53:33 07/03/01 Tue

I tried to post this on their forum, but their restrictions wouldn't let me, someone get it in their please.What where you guys talking about in that article about how Pokemon is satanic? I don't get how anyone could get Pocket Deamons out of Pokemon. You must have broke it down wrong or something, because it is actually, here get this, Pocket Monsters. How do I know? I was a part of the craze, so I bought actuall Japaness posters that where clearly labeled: POCKET MONSTERS. Not pocket deamons. Cadabra was also mis-spelt, it is writtin, Kadabra, okay? I don't know what you people have against cute furry woodland animals, but if you get that angry about it, why don't you join Green Peace or another bunch of losers like that? There was also a note about things growing horns out of it's head and that somehow made them evil. What about deer or buffalo? They grow horns out of their head too, so should we slaughter everyone in sight? I think not. Burning pokemon cards and figurines with a broad sword and a BBQ grill..... hmmm what a good message to kids! "Join our cult! You get to use swords and BURN things!" Of course kids are going to like it, and chant burn it, burn it. Because you are feeding them the stuff they like. And that bizzare thing on how it started with a kid summoning a "Poket Deamon", as you wierdos call them, to kill his/her parents because they wouldn't buy him a stick of gum? And then it brought along a few of its friends and choked his/her parents by stuffing themselves down their throats? A few of them guys get pretty big you know. Like Snoralax, he weighs over a ton and is six feet tall, how's he going to fit down anyone's throat? Here's something else you can trust me on, the only thing you get for captureing/collecting all 150 pokemon is bragging rights and a silly award that you recive in the game. Because that's all it is, a game. Say it with me people: It's all just a game, it's all just a game, it's all just a game..... Do you feel better now? By the way, now that I think of it, if you really did get one wish I would wish that all you people would just dissapear, this web site, the building you call a church, you people. Everything, not even the foundation or the dirt around you bouilding. Or is this "Landover Baptist Church" A web site ran out of a guy's basement who has multiple prsonalitys so there can be the appearance this place actually exists. I don't know and I don't really care.

Leave Magic:The Gathering and D&D out of this, they are forbiddin grond for you people. Because you shouldn't judge what you haven't experianced yourself.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Do they know what they are talking about?jabir21:56:49 11/30/01 Fri
Re: Do they know what they are talking about?bob10:38:24 01/03/02 Thu
Re: Do they know what they are talking about? What a dork!Shawn McElroy17:31:36 07/06/02 Sat

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