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Date Posted: 16:40:54 05/09/01 Wed
Author: Angel
Subject: She closed her eyes>>
In reply to: Doublethink 's message, "*He calmly looks to her, the turmoil set right in his eyes...*" on 13:35:25 05/09/01 Wed

... reaching deep into her Self. She searched, probing the depths, searching, ever searching... There! She concentrated hard, trying not to use Doublethink's magic... but the field was too strong. She tapped into the surface of his powers, but didn't go deep. She didn't want to weaken him. She used that little spurt to tap into the magic... and then it came... the worst vision her Spirit element had ever given her......

Black Knight stood on a cliff, glaring at her. *You have been foolish, Angel. You have looked into your Self, but you forgot that not all good comes with finding what is inside you. First comes the bad part, the part no one wants to see, but that everyone knows lies just beneath the surface.* He vanished, but his voice was still there. *I shall guide you through this journey, dear one.*

First came the horrible memories, the demons, the wars, the blood. She relived every time she had killed someone that was not threatening her... saw every bad thing she had done... every time she had tried to curse Black Knight, every time she had turned against those who had loved her.

Then came the Lady. She sat there on her throne of black lightning, crying... and it was all Angel's fault... the Lady leapt up, running to a cliff and throwing herself over... but Nerabo, the big dragon, soared after her and caught her, much to her displeasure... and it was all Angel's fault... it was she who had led the assassin to Orian... she who had had him killed...

They were moving on now. It was Amber's turn. She stood there, her palomino coat glowing, her milky horn casting forth a radiant light... her blue eyes shining... and a blue tear slipping down her cheek. *Don't cry, Mother,* Angel thought, but there was no stopping it now. Amber hung her head low. *Why did you leave me Angel? I loved you. Was it something I said? Something I did? Please! Tell me why you hate me!* Angel wanted to cry out to her mother, to tell her she wasn't upset with her... but she could not speak... could only leave...

*Now you see why very few people journey into their Selves and live to tell the tale. You will speak of this to no one, Angel, understood? Doublethink and Lust can see this, too, but tell no one else, you hear me?* She nodded. *Good. The Holy Mother finds you worthy to tap into this power. It is yours now.* And he vanished.

Angel fell to the earth, exhausted. She was shaking all over... The mental stress was too strong... Black Knight fed her a little power. Though she had tried on several occasions to kill him, she was still his daughter, and he loved her. She managed to stagger to her feet...

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