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Date Posted: 13:09:38 04/14/01 Sat
Author: Cryptic Legacy
Subject: *Deceptive shadow passes above him and lands in a shadowed down part of the tt...devilish occulars burn with zest...ivory fangs reveal from beared jaws..sending blood cascading apon the ground from another dragon she had recently met....*
In reply to: ~Shetal~ 's message, "~He snaps at a small being trudging innocently throught the rocks... He grab's it's furry body in his jowels, swinging his head back and forth, spilling blood upon the land... this was his spot... Nobody intrude upon his section...~ ~he paces a bit in his new little section and looks at Cryptic wondering if she had found a small spot as her own...~ ========Minions are allowed to have their own small areas to gaurd and keep safe...=========" on 12:33:23 04/14/01 Sat

*A blood curling snarl is emmited from her throat...Tail snaps around..showing the two blades on it that cut like knives...faster than the eye could see, she cracks it onto a tree and snaps it in half...testing her power.... flames thrust from her jaws like a fiery inferno....destroying all in it's path...all that was left of the tree was a small trunk set on fire..the fires of hell...she smirks and lifts a raven claw..and slams it down on the fire..smothering it...nares flare...she was evil at the soul...and nothing was gonna tame her cold heart. An icy draft settles apon the relm...occulars drift towards Shetal temperarly..contemplating....he was dark..like her...she snorts evily towards demonic agony...he had not shown anything towards her..if he was cold like herself..then let her see it...as of now..no moves were made..she was still deciding on who she would ally with...the alpha dragon..or the one whom drew her closer..perhapes loyalty of the femm was important...yet she knew nothing of care and hope...was this expected of her? why would anything here care of her presence..they were just like her...cold and heartless...perhapes...she would fit right in...*

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