Subject: Aye aye, I do love an attentive audience. Alrighty, I continue me tale. |
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Date Posted: 18:58:09 04/09/04 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "*Leans forward with a grin* C'mon, mate! Can't wait t'see how this plays out; a vermin an' goodbeast teamup!" on 21:19:43 04/08/04 Thu
Once Dodge and Pinky were confidently stroking alone towards their ship, they conversed. "Cap'n, after we defeat Singe, what are we t'do wid those voles'n'edgehogs?" Dodge grunted as he paddled harder. "Let 'em go. Me crew would be sore worn out after a battle wid Arro an' from bein' captured like. 'Sides, we don't need no slaves an' taint worth the extra trouble gettin' 'em. These are armed beasts, mate." Spiketail stopped rowing as they neared the Briney Bruiser. "Ahoy the ship! Somebeast haul us up!"
Once on the ship, Dodge held a conference of war with the bit of crew he had left; Pinky, Nakrobi, Gulbert the rat, Rigger the ferret, and Stug the searat. "Right crew, cock a lug an' listen good. Everybeast 'sides us 'as been captured. Singe is alive, an' he's bound t'come after me ship. We 'ide all around an' wait for 'em. Once they gets close, I yells the word, an' some boatfuls o' voles an' hedgehogs comes from the rocks t'help us. None o' yeh are t'touch them goodbeasts, hear? Anyways, once they start afightin', we head t'ole Arro's ship an' frees the crew. Got that?" There was a collective 'aye' from the crew. Dodge proceeded to the ratlines. "Good, now scatter, an' don't fergit your weapons. We'll need extra for the rest o' the crew."
Dodge lay down flat on top of the cabin as Pinky scaled the mast with the agility akin to a squirrel's. The weasel turned over on his back to gaze up beyond the ropes and sails at the sky, worrying about Didge. He hoped the little stoat was unharmed. Didge didn't like being restrained. If Singe hurt one hair on that little nipper's head...Dodge started. First he said Didge was his litte one, and now he was worrying about the child! The weasel shook his head and turned back on his stomach. He was getting soft since he took the stoat in.
There it was. Singe's ship, the Wiley Waver, appeared around the rocks that jutted out from the shore. Dodge grew tense as he watched it sail nearer. He glanced up at the crow's nest where Pinky was waiting. "Not yet, not yet, liddle closer now Singe an' yore dyin' day is near..." He muttered. His eyes hardened at the sight of his old enemy striding about on the deck, his crew tied to the main mast and Didge with a rope halter about his middle. As the pirates boarded the Briney Bruiser, Dodge leapt up, sling whirling, roaring. "NNOOOWWW! Spiiketaaaail!" The weasel let loose the shell as he jumped down into the midst of the invaders on the ship. Nakrobi burst from the cabin with a curved sword in each paw, and Gulbert came into the fray with a hook and a dirk.
Singe jumped back onto his own boat when he saw Dodge. "Fight 'em! There's only four or five! Ye outnumber 'em! Spit 'em! Bring Spiketail t'me alive!" Dodge found himself backed against his cabin. The sling had been dropped and now he stood with bolas whirling and clacking as he brandished his dagger, snarling. "Anybeast puts a paw near me finds death!" The throng pressed in, outnumbering him badly. Suddenly, Pinky swept down from above, flooring a hefty water rat who was about to attack. The ferret let go of the rope he had swung on and joined his captain.
Dodge winked at him. "Arr, what say you, mate, shall we make searat surprise out o' this lot?" Pinky clubbed a menacing stoat with a knotted rope before putting payed to the beast with a cutlass. "Aye, cap'n, let's!"
Dodge's crew was badly outnumbered and would have gone down if it was not for the timely arrival of the voles and hedgehogs. The first wave of spikey bodies appeared over the rail, following shortly by a yelling gang of weapon-bearing voles. Singe hopped about on the deck of his ship, lashing out at beasts left and right. "Get over there an' slay 'em! Tis only them daft goodbeasts! Finish 'em off!" To the corsair stoat's dismay, he found the foebeast winning. Even now a group of voles and hedgehogs, along with Stug the searat, had boarded the Wiley Waver to set Dodge's crew free.
Seizing the rope which bound the angry Didge, Singe Arro tugged hard and slunk behind the longboats. The stoatbabe struggled wildly, biting and kicking. "Me no go wiff you, you norra fwend! I sway you dead, 'tupid doat!" Didge's raving brought the attention of Dodge. The weasel charged to the rescue with one of Nakrobi's curved swords in paw. "I'm acomin' Didge, me liddle matey! This is yore dyin' day Arro!" Thinking quickly, Singe pulled up against the side of the ship and unsheathed a long knife, putting it at Didge's neck in the blink of an eye. "Put another paw forward an' I slay the whelp, weasel!"
Dodge pulled up short, stunned. Singe grinned evilly. "Oh, ye 'ave a soft spot for 'im, don't ye? Call off yore crew, Spiketail, an' those otherbeasts too, or the nipper won't live t'see sunset." Dodge felt his heart sink within him. Didge was breathing hard, staring wide-eyed at the knife, whimpering. "'Elp me, Dodge, save me fromma scawey beast!" Shoulders slumped, Spiketail turned, shouting. "Aye aye crew, lay off! Back off! I mean everybeast! Voles, 'edge'ogs, all!" All activity came to a halt. Dodge's crew gathered around, and the voles and hedgehogs, along with their freed little ones, stopped and stared.
Singe's eyes glittered in anticipation of victory as he moved out from between the rail and boats, knife still perilously close to Didge's throat. "My crew, tie 'em up! An' seize that there weasel." Pinky raised his saber defesively, looking toward Dodge. The weasel shook his head. "Stand down, mate, you 'eard." He stood gazing sullenly at the deck as crew and allies were bound by Arro's crewbeasts. A fox and a hulking weasel moved in and held Dodge's arms tight, releiving him of his weapons. Singe released Didge and stepped forward on his bent legs, smiling. "Good, see 'ow easy 'tis when ye cooperate? I been waitin' many a long day fer this'n. Dodge, yore dyin'll be long an' slow, ole mate, long'n'slow."
As he gloated, Didge swiftly rolled underneath the boats and ducked his head, chewing hard at the ropes that held him. He could hear Singe's muffled voice. "Your crew will either join up wid me or die. Oh, I know 'em, they'll take my side rather'n death. 'Cept maybe fer that kind'earted dimwit Pinky. 'E's too soft fer 'is own good, an' so are you." Didge's paw crept up the side of the boat and felt around on the top, where Singe had left his knife. The paw disappeared under the boat, unseen by Singe or his crew.
Dodge spat vehemenantly at Arro's footpaws. "Hah, yore like I left ye, full o' hot air, all fine words an' no action. Let's see if ye can fight like ye can brag. That's if'n ye ain't too scared t'fight me?" Singe shook his head, smiling slyly. "I ain't fallin' fer that'n, weasel. I got plans fer you. Chop off yer paws, keelhaul ye, an' if'n yore still alive by then, we hauls you up the mast and leave ye fer the gulls t'find. 'Ow's that sound?" Dodge had no time to reply. Before anybeast could move, Didge leapt out from the longboats brandishing his knife. With a shout, the stoatbabe jumped at Singe, hitting out wildly. "You leava my daddy Dodge 'lone, bigga bully beast!"
Arro yelled and kicked Didge aside, sprinkling blood about the deck from his footpaws. "Arr, yew nasty nipper, I'm gonna run ye through wid that dagger!" The vermin holding Dodge ran to the aid of their captain, allowing the weasel the chance of grabbing up his weapons. With a roar, he bulled past the pirates and thundered down on Singe. "SPIKETAIL!!!" The stoat stood no chance unarmed against the fierce attack of his foe.
Dodge turned from Arro's carcass and began slashing out at the crew of the Wiley Waver. Without thier captain to shout orders, the vermin gave way when Spiketail freed his crew. Once again, voles, hedgehogs, and vermin swarmed the bloodied ships, making short work of Singe's crew.
The moment the last body was tipped into the sea, Dodge turned from the rail to have a grinning Didge clambor onto his back. "Daddy Dodge, I save you!" Dodge tried to hide a smile. "Aye, right, me liddle pest, but don't let it get t'yore head. I'm still cap'n around here." Pinky appeared at his side. "Hi cap'n, Truvva'n'me are whippin' up a victory feast. Care t'join us?" Spiketail peeled Didge off of him, smiling. "Aye mate, ain't nothin' I'd like better. Searat Surprise or Pirate Pot?" Pinky shook his head. "Nay cap'n. 'Tis a pipin' 'ot Dodge Dish." Laughing, the friends made their way to the galley as the sun set upon the ships that bobbed on the swell.
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