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Subject: Ole Dodge kept 'is word an' let 'em walk free, e' did. Just got the epilogue in this post, an' that's me tale!

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Date Posted: 02:09:43 04/11/04 Sun
In reply to: Log-a-log Rigg 's message, "**An old shrew sits by the fireside.**" on 13:19:01 03/28/04 Sun

The Spring of the Story of the Stoat

An old stoat, worn with the hardships of the sea, sat on a rock by the ocean. Waves broke by the great ship that was the beast's home, anchored permanantly by the rocks. A group of beasts, young voles, vermin and hedgehogs, were grouped around the stoat, listening to his story. "An' so Dodge was victorious, an' 'e lived on t'see more adventure. Gave Singe's ship t'the voles'n'edge'ogs wot 'elped 'im, though they weren't seafarin' beasts. Still, they kept it around, fer fishin' an' such. Didge became a great sailor an' one day went 'is own way on 'is own ship, wid 'is own crew. I tell ye true, liddle mateys, 'e ever did fergit 'is ole cap'n Dodge, an' managed t'cross paths wid 'im often." One young beast, a little ferret, chuckled heartily. "Tohoho, you were da silly one, Nuncle Didge. Sing us d'funny song!" Didge smiled, a touch of his old mischeif coming back. "Aye aye liddle mateys, unner one condition. Ye 'ave t'help me cook dinner t'night, agreed?" "Aye aye!" The little ferret piped. "Me love da Pirate Pot!" As the stoat led the little ones to his ship, his wavering voice drifted over the deserted sand.

"In the days of Dodge Spiketail there once were a stoat,
A young 'un called Didge who'd boarded th'boat,
Oh 'e worried ole Dodge an' 'e pestered the crew,
'E were a nipper like you, like you.
E' stitched up the cots an' 'e climbed up the mast,
An' over the railin' 'is cap'n'd get cast,
E' bit the beast's bonces an' put grease in the stew,
'Cause 'e were a nipper like you, like you.
'Cause 'e were a nipper like you."

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Ooohhh, good!!! ((OOC: Ack! Sorry I've been gone)) (NT)Saih Darkeye01:43:18 04/13/04 Tue
*nods and applauds quietly* Very well told, mate! Nothin' like a good yarn told by a skillful beast, eh? *yawns* Best get off to me writin', be sure to announce yoreself good an' loud if you come and tell another tale. I'll be there. (NT)Dakkan01:56:29 04/13/04 Tue
*Claps.* That be's a great stories! Thanks fer tell'n it to us'uns. Er, iffen youse knows anymore stories, I's wanna hear 'um. (NT)Talor16:01:56 04/13/04 Tue

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