Subject: Allright! Crimson Forest: Chapter One |
Phoenix Ragella
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Date Posted: 00:59:24 04/20/04 Tue
In reply to:
's message, "*sits down, interested* Tell on..." on 00:55:17 04/20/04 Tue
Chapter one
Tall weeds and stray bush-twigs rustled and snapped in the gloom of the night. A figure was hurrying through the fields, drawing in ragged gasps of air. Close behind, heavy footsteps and angry voices grew nearer and nearer. The figure suddenly darted towards a forest that had loomed up just ahead, hoping to escape unnoticed. Before it had gotten far, however, a shout went up and an angry mob appeared, some carrying torches. The flickering firelight revealed a young woman with chin-length black hair and pale green eyes. Her long raven-hued dress had a linked ring symbol in red on the skirt, and a v-shape of the same color bordered her neckline before sweeping up into a high collar. Her pupils contracted in the light until they looked catlike. Curling her lips back in a warning sneer, snowy white fangs glinted like twin spikes as her pursuers advanced.
“No use runnin’, demon. We’re sendin’ ye back t’the hellfires ye came from! Ye and yer creator ain’t gonna haunt us no more!”
The one who had spoken now stepped closer, wielding a magicked knife. Smears of red on the blade and long, bloody gashes marring the female’s upper body indicated that she was beginning to tire. Before the villager could strike, though, a foolhardy boy rushed the creature in an attempt to exalt himself. Quicker than lightning, her hands shot out and seized the unfortunate boy, dragging him to her. He had time for only one dismayed cry before two-inch fangs sunk into his throat. Shoving the body away, she once again faced the mob.
The sheer fury radiating from her blazing eyes, coupled with her now-reddened fangs, caused the unruly mob to hesitate momentarily. Another villager moved in, this time circling around to attack her from behind. The maneuver might have worked, had it not been for a brittle twig that snapped loudly underfoot. The creature whirled around, and the villager found himself paralyzed with fear as he found himself looking into her eyes not three inches away. Again her hands shot out, and with a resounding CRACK he collapsed limp on the ground. The creature, with barely any effort, had snapped his neck in two. Seizing the dagger from his belt, she readied it in her hand and faced the mob once more. Though she was injured and growing weary, she was still more than a match for any one of the group before her.
She paused to sweep her matted and tangled hair from her eyes, and in this brief moment of distraction, the onslaught began anew. This time five of them rushed her at once, brandishing their knives and yelling. The creature snapped back into action, dispatching two of them with swift dagger thrusts and breaking the necks of two more with heavy blows to the side of their heads. The fifth villager ran at her from the right, and slashed out at her ribs with his knife. The blade merely slid across her side without even breaking the skin. Unfortunately for him, it only served to enrage the creature even more, and soon he was lying on the ground with two fang wounds in his throat. The man with the magicked knife, however, took advantage of this and circled around behind her. Taking careful aim, he lunged forwards and slashed across her side. An unearthly screech tore from the creature’s throat as a deep gash opened up under her ribs. She whirled around and lashed out, but he had already moved back out of her reach. Lunging forwards again, he opened up another wound across her stomach before dodging her attack. She staggered slightly, exhaustion and pain beginning to take their toll on her. With a triumphant cry, the mob regrouped.
They began to attack her in waves. Again and again they overpowered her, and each time she found the strength to drive them back. However, additional wounds from the magicked knife along with pain and fatigue soon took their toll, and she sunk slowly to the ground. Even as her mind slowly slipped into unconsciousness, she managed to keep her attackers at bay. Finally, though, she went limp and her head drooped to the ground. The mob, grown crazy with the thrill of battle, continued to beat and attack her, avenging their comrade that had been slain by the creature not two days ago. After a few minutes of this, they retreated back to their village, their lust for vengeance sated.
The female remained there for the rest of the night, lying prone on the muddy and bloodstained earth. Hours passed by as her ravaged body slowly began to heal itself. However, she still did not move. Gradually, the night sky faded to a pale lavender as dawn approached. As the air began to warm up, a wispy mist drifted up from the ground and lovingly wound itself through the trees and grass. The soft light of the morning sun dawned over the horizon, illuminating an unconscious figure lying on the ground…on the borders of Crimson Forest.
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