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Subject: A Dark Stranger

Candice Leafhelm
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Date Posted: 15:21:15 05/23/04 Sun

here is the beginning of a story i have made up. by the way, the charas are humans

Through the enveloping haze of night, it came. Sliding as one with the shadows, the one that sent melancholy whispers through the streets and called destruction and death his brother, passed unnoticed as the pigeons flocked to their nests.
‘Curse this fetid smog! It obscures my Sight, and to what cause would that aid? I have a task to
attend to and I must be delayed not a moment longer, for slowly my Sense festers…’ a slow, deceptive voice seethed in the fog as he tried to find a way to some light source. He jerked his head up to spot a dirty, failing streetlight a few metres away, and standing beneath it, a woman with a velveteen pouch, seemingly empty. She had a slim figure and chocolate tresses falling about her shoulders. She had gaunt lines and a permanent look of innocent fortitude about her, and generally seemed perfectly normal, except for those green eyes, which held a mysterious gleam of knowledge. He headed straight past her, and as he went, he took the bag from her hands and swiftly replaced it with seven gold coins.
‘The Fraternity of the All Seeing Ones, thanks to you, will now know of the hypothesis, and…’
‘ Yeah, yeah, yeah, quit the humdrum chatter. I’ll see you tomorrow then, same time, same place…
And with a murmur of thanks, she swept away into the polluted, dark atmosphere and vanished down an alleyway. A bell chimed to signify the hour of 12 ‘o’ clock, and he lurked about by some rat-infested dustbins.
‘How dare she! The insatiable wench! Both she and I know she is only the deliverer, nothing more! How dare she tell me to hasten silence when she means almost nothing in this! She is simply a lying, filthy little miscreant whom happens to slaver after the very things that keep us living, and she has a few contacts. Well, we shall have to see to it that she is punished for her foul mortal tongue…Oh, it is time.’
Then, raising his chapped, bony hands toward the heavens, he cried morosely
‘Come forth, my kin! Come from the Paradise aloft to aid me in my quest for the perfection of Earth! See what mortal hands and minds have done to the faultless globe You created! We must now join together to restore the harmony which You intended!’ At this point he was screaming wildly and enthusiastically, a bloodlust of an unquenchable thirst for pain and suffering of others sparkling in his inset ember eyes. He lowered his arms and turned his gaze expectantly toward the clouded skies. Where was it? Where was the power The Fraternity foretold? He turned away and was about to face the doom of failure when, it came. Through the grey clouds a purple beam of ebbing strength pierced and drilled its way through the night. Silence took the atmosphere and in the place of traffic and the hum of electricity, there came an eerie choir of lonely, strangled shrieks. He fell back on to the pavement in terror as the light flickered and pulsed, before turning a blinding white and illuminating the grimy street……

What do you think?

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I like the storyJeness15:36:44 05/30/04 Sun

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