Subject: I'm back, and posting again! Not for long though. This short series just might be my last posting bout here. If you like it, reply. |
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Date Posted: 01:39:23 07/24/04 Sat
Handgun X
Jag walked toward the 24 hour supermarket. Fifteen minutes earlier he had recieved a report from his partner, Ursus: "There's three of 'em. Terrorising the girl behind the counter. I think you can handle 'em." He approached the automatic sliding door, guarded by a large, beefy man. "Go somewhere else, we're closed," the man growled at Jag. "At 9 pm? Oh well." Jag bent over as if studying something on the ground. The other man bent over to see what was so interesting. The only thing he saw, however, was Jag's steel-toed boot flying up to meet his face. The guy fell, unconcious. Jag strutted into the supermarket like he owned the place, where he encountered a tall, thin man waving a gun in the checkout lady's face. The terrorist, angered at being interrupted, pointed the gun at Jag. "Whaddya think yer doing, kid?" Jag didn't answer, only kicked the gun out of the man's hand, beating him into unconciousness, and then cuffing him.. Jag turned to the guy's two accomplices, pointing the gun. "Play time's over. Put your hands behind your heads." The criminals did not argue. Suddenly, there was one more criminal, with his gun against the head of an old man. "Don't make a move, buddy, or I'll splatter pappy!" Jag rolled his eyes. "Honestly, are you such a coward that you have to kill an old man?" The terrorist growled and pulled the gun away from the old man's head, preparing to shoot at Jag. That was a fatal mistake. Jag shot him in the head.
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