Subject: O.O *Stares* |
Saih Darkeye
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Date Posted: 23:32:21 08/26/04 Thu
Oooh.... I was digging through he archives when I found this story I wrote!!! Funny... I forgot all about it!
Here is the editedtomakeitmoreprofesional virsion. ^.^
Killitha gazed up at the tall gates before her.
She, her husband Shardja Quickslay, and their 1 season old kitt Saih Darkeye had all fled from their homeland. It'd been a long and treacherous journey, full of peril, but at last they had arrived.
She pulled the rope that hung by the door gingerly, and stood waiting. A moment later the gates slowly swung open. A hare barred the entrance, speaking to Kilitha,
"What d' the likes of ye want, wot!" Shardja spoke up,
"We want a safe place to rear our li'l Saih, marm." Killitha unwrapped her shawl from the bundle in her arms, revealing a small wildcat, and pleaded in her soft, gentle voice,
"Please marm, we've travelled a long way to live here in safety. Our old home is many a dusty, danger-filled days journey from here." Shardja joined his mate in her plea,
"We are not evil in any way, and would never harm you." The hare sighed, "Alright, ye may live 'ere. By th' way, my name's Lancepaw." Killitha smiled gratefuly as she walked through the gateway,
"Many thanks to ye, marm!" Lancepaw laughed,
"Please, if yer goin' t' stay, call me Lancepaw." Killitha, having a hard time not calling Lancepaw 'Marm' replied, blushing, "Alright marm... I mean Lancepaw."
-2 Seasons later- Saih giggled as her father, Shardja, tickled her footpaws, " Heeheehahaha!!! S'oppit! Dat tickwes!!" Shardja smiled down at her, reflecting on how much she had grown since they had come to the Fort 2 seasons back! She had been a tiny thing, only 1 season old. How she had grown!
"Killitha, Killitha where are you?" Lancepaw called into the hot summer afternoon. She and Saihs' mother,
Killitha, had become friends since the wildcat family had come. Suddenly an anguish filled scream tore through the air; it was coming from just outside the gates! Lancepaw and several other warriors raced towards the sound, when they arrived on the scene, they saw some ermine and foxes hurrying away. But what they saw on the ground in front of the gates turned even the most hardened warriors stomach; A litter of 4 kitts- their eyes not even opened yet- had been slaughtered. Above them on the walltop, a harsh wildcat scream loosed itself from Killitha's throat, causing Lancepaw to jump. The female cat had seen it all, and she was filled with hatred towards the vermin for murdering helpless babes, and for killing beasts of her own species.
That night, she sharpened her throwing daggers, muttering under her breath,
"I am Killitha Deathbringer, none escape me." She left off for a minute, and walked over to an open window, shouting into the darkness,
"Do you hear that, vermin scum? None escape me. NONE!!!!" Then she went back to work, restringing her longbow, making new arrows, wetting her sword edge, sharpening her spearpoint and packing food into a large pack. The only clothes she would take with her, were the ones she had on her back. When she was finished, she went to bed and slept a fitful, nightmare filled sleep. Next morn, she anounced that she was leaving. Lancepaw was very sorrowful that her friend was leaving, but there was a dangerous glint in Killitha's eyes, and Lancepaw knew that she could not persuade her not to go,
"Why," Lancepaw observed, "That wildcat wouldn't mind dying, just so that those poor little kits were avenged!" Shardja winked back a tear, he could not bear the thought of Saih growing up with no memories of her mother, but he was powerless to stop his wife from going. Before Killitha left, she sat down, lifted Saih onto her lap, and gave the kitt her dirk. Then, she whispered in the little ones ear,
"Name it whatever you wish. One day you will be a brave warrior!" Then she kissed the babe on the cheek, put her in Shardjas arms, & hugged and kissed him goodbye. Then she finally set out on her quest to track the ermine and foxes to who knows where, leaving her precious Saih, and Shardja behind.
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