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Subject: Glad ye like it matey!!!!! More INSIDE>

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Date Posted: 20:01:21 10/14/04 Thu
In reply to: Windy 's message, "*gasps* That is absolutely brilliant i was holding my breath all the way through it please continue i think it is brilliant" on 04:03:50 10/14/04 Thu

((Backtracking just a little))

"You became greedy Rainbringer." He slowly squatted down beside the demon. "You wanted to control the winds and the rains utterly. They turned against you, didn't they? Where you wanted them to help drought, they flooded the land. Slowly, you began to like the destruction. You became what you are now."
The demon lunged at him, jaws wide open.
Iadorn fell back. His voice however was calm and cool, without a trace of surprise. "Come back Rainbringer! Yield to me and come back!"
The Mage dropped his sord, the meatl clanging dully as it hit the floor. He extended his bare hands towards the creature. "Come on, come back."
The demon shrank back from him, its spines raised slightly. For a long time, the two gazed at each other. Then, finally, it whimpered in pain and shuffled forewards. Its massive, bloody head bowed down into the Mage's hands.
Iadorn reached out to the demon. A sweeping wave of hot magic coursed through him and flowed down his hands into the creature. The greed, the malice was easily detectable in its heart. It was like a poisonous fruit lodged in an otherwise good fruit. The potency of the greed lashed out angrily at Iadorn, who in turn, began digging it out.
Iadorn heard the demon howl in pain, but the sound was muted. The head jerked as the demon truied to pull itself free, but his fingers only tightened to hold it in place. Dimly, he could see the bloody tail thrashing.
The frenzied demon snarled and screamed.
The pit of greed was stubbornly refusing to come loose.
Iadorn's magic attacked and consumed it again and again.
Then, suddenly, the greed gave way, bursting apart like glass as the Mage Lord slammed yet more power aginst it. The demon wrenched its head away with such sudden force that Iadorn was flung backwards, crashing into a nearby chair. When he could refocus again, the demon was gone.
In its place was a shinning silver creature resembling a graceful, sinuous snake. The candlelight played up and dpwn the long, overlapping, triangular scales, tinting them red and gold. Dew drops shone from a whispy, white mane and the once white eyes were now a deep, thrilling, blue. The long supple tail ended in a whole, un-cut tip.
Levering himself up, Iadorn's eyes met the Rainbringer's. The Mage smiled and held up his right hand. "Ea gardua O'Tell'Imia."
The Rainbringer drew his lips back from his teeth in a feral smile of his own, exposing strange golden fangs in ivory gums. His voice was as deep as a rain-swollen river, and just as powerful. "Amen'o'min, lastith o gadhar."
Iadorn looked at him in confusion but the Rianbringer's grin only deepened. "You heard me. Amen'o'min lastith o gadhar," he repeated, then added, "Jan gihar, o va dar min." Then, in a whisper of air, the creature flowed past him, his long body looping and coiling. As he passed Iadorn, he flicked one shapely ear almost lazily and immediatly, droptlets of water misted onto Iadorn's sweaty face. With one last flick of his tail, the silver creature soared out of the open window and into the gray sky. The heavy clouds soon swallowed his weaving body up.
Iadorn gazed out of the window for a long time. Finally, he roused himself, closed the shutters and retrieved his sowrd. Then he blew out the cnadles one by one, but left the embers of the fire burning...just so the room wasn't entirely consumed in darkness.

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