Subject: Here ye go mate. Next part's INSIDE> |
Sekin Brightfall
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Date Posted: 22:56:49 10/18/04 Mon
In reply to:
's message, "Keep going this is awesome!" on 04:09:29 10/16/04 Sat
Chembrawn watched the two old friends with a mixture of amazement and respect. They were so alike. They both kept at least one eye on their surroundings at all times, even when talking, laughing, and hugging. Mavahon’s hand came to rest on her sword hilt in a casual, habitual way and Radan was unconsciously toying with the dagger in his belt. Neither seemed aware of what they were doing, such a high level of alertness seemed just common place to them. For the first time, Chembrawn truly felt like an experience recruit, especially when Radan turned to survey him.
“Chembrawn is it?” the veteran asked, waiting for Chembrawn’s nod before continuing. “I’m Radan.” He held out a hand and Chembrawn shook it, but not before noting that even Radan’s palms were scarred.
“Chembrawn is a bit…nervous,” Mavahon said at length.
“I heard,” Radan replied. “Chembrawn, I won’t lie to you. The Tower does claim many lives, but I think you already knew that, yes? We are soldiers, our profession places our lives in risk but not every single Guard dies. Many survive for a long, long, long time and only retire when they can no longer pick up their sword.”
“I’ve heard the tales,” Chembrawn whispered. “We all have. More demons are appearing. Spells are backfiring when the magic comes at all and patrols, whole patrols, of Guards are failing to return.”
Mavahon exchanged an un-readable glance with Radan before saying, “Those are no more than tales and rumors.”
Radan nodded. “Accidents happen, especially to the inexperienced. That’s the main reason we are loosing whole patrols, because either they lack caution or good judgment.”
“You are bound to this Tower lad,” Mavahon put in, “You are part of its strength! It will protect you if you protect yourself.”
The door creaked open suddenly behind them and Iadorn stepped outside. “Well spoken Radan and Mavahon. Well spoken indeed!”
All three Guards fell immediately to one knee, touching a hand to their heart in the traditional salute. Iadorn just motioned them to rise as Mavahon’s brown eyes met his gray.
The Mage Lord of Arsgoran Tower was an impressive sight, even when he was plainly tires. Hair as dark as Mavahon’s but longer in length was tied behind in a simple braid. He had a dark, tilted face from which his eyes shone, ringed with dark circles. He was tall as well, and sinewy with lean muscle evident. He wore the loose, billowing tunic of a Mage, with slightly baggy breeches and a wide sash from which the scabbard holding his sword was hung. His left ear was pierced with six silver rings that gleamed in the candlelight.
“Did you manage to save the Rainbringer, Lord?” asked Radan.
Iadorn nodded. “Yes. Eventually…” The Mage Lord looked at Radan quizzically. “You’re not on watch here, are you? No, I thought not.” He raised an eyebrow. “Then what brings you here so late at night?” Iadorn’s gaze fell on Mavahon. “Oh,” he said with a faint grin, “I see…”
Radan and Mavahon shifted uncomfortably, but Chembrawn saved them from further embarrassment with his ignorance. “Why did you have to save the Rainbringer, Lord?”
Iadorn’s small smile fell from his face and he sighed. “Sometimes, spirits like the Rainbringers or Mountainshapers become infested with greed. Malice so powerful that it consumes them entirely, even changes their physical appearance. As Mage Lord, I have to try and cleanse these demons until they return to their original form and the greed is gone.”
“And as Guards,” supplied Radan, “it is our duty to capture and transport the demons back here for Lord Iadorn.”
Iadorn nodded and caught Mavahon’s eye. She raised her eyebrow slightly, questioningly. Understanding dawned in Iadorn’s eyes and he turned to Chembrawn. “Don’t forget what Mavahon and Radan told you. Be strong and don’t for one second, forget…” he raised his voice a little. “You are dismissed. Go and get some sleep.”
Chembrawn nodded, smiled, and bowed before turning away. Radan, Iadorn and Mavahon stood in the shadowy corridor for a long while, watching as the recruits’ form faded from view and then his footsteps receded from earshot.
Mavahon turned to Radan. “Can we talk more tomorrow?”
Radan glanced from her to Iadorn and nodded. “I would like that.” Sensing a tension in the air, he did not linger. Mavahon squeezed his hand gently in affection and thanks, and then he was gone, striding off the same way that Chembrawn had gone.
Iadorn glanced at Mavahon. “You wanted to speak with me correct? What about?”
“Nothing pleasant, Lord. Nothing pleasant at all.”
“Mavahon, please, drop the formalities. You are my friend and I cannot speak to you if you keep calling me Lord.”
Her clear eyes studied his face for a moment before she nodded. “Come,” Iadorn said suddenly. “We’ll talk in my chambers.” With a tired wave of his hand, the Mage caused the remaining un-lit candles to flicker back into life. The corridor was immediately awash in a glow of golden light.
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