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F.o.o.l size=1> : i am loyal to my own : i watch over none : my spikes are touched by none : my heart is my own |
color=navy> : in my head : the wind it blew, the sun it wept the moon rose high, the clouds were swept the shining stars seemed to dance and play awake at night, asleep the day : performed : pallid figuro makes guarded entrance, feet making scarcely any resonance, almost transparent observers flutter swiftly around, browsing, for any master or trainer who may be near. At his side was a small silvery blade, with complex patterns engraved into the side, though used for years, it still glittered, and rough sides were sharpened after practice. clad nimbly, in dark attire, that just made him appear paler, he was arresting n a dissimilar way, though not many people could keep their eye held upon his acute gaze for long. Anyone Here? The Fool |