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Date Posted: 04:46:12 04/20/01 Fri
Author: lotsa peeps
Subject: archived messages

On 01-11-2001 06:11 pm
lisa(lamli125@excite.co.uk) posted:

if all the old 14 iced bears stuff is being re-released is there a chance of the band reforming? the best line-up was during the release of their first album. I went to see them in london around around that time, really brilliant!

On 01-18-2001 07:25 am
robert(bears_archive@athree.co.uk) posted:

hello, no plans at the moment to reform as we're all doing our own things now, or are too lazy. ive got a new band called easter and i hope to be recording soon. where in london was the gig?

On 01-27-2001 10:37 am
kieron(tryhappiness@aol.com) posted:

i know, but wouldn't it be tempting to do a one-off reunion to satiate all the fans in this reissue year, like the june brides did a few years back ? i was too young to go out when i listened to "like a dolphin" etc on the radio in my bedroom, it was only when "wonder" came out i managed to get in to the falcon and see one of the greatest bands ever for real. really looking forward to the compilation.

On 01-30-2001 05:00 am
rob(bears_archive@athree.co.uk) posted:

thanks for your kind words, born-too-late kieron, but we haven't really considered reforming as yet - we live in different towns, etc, so it could take a bit of organising, but, it's always a possibility - this website will be the first place to know.
i dont think any band members are dead, yet.

On 01-31-2001 05:19 pm
Austin(effortpop@hotmail.com) posted:

Can't believe I've found a Bears site with actual words from a member themselves. What sort of sound will Easter have or is it a bit early to say?
If you do reform would you include every member that's ever passed thru yr ranks? Could be a pretty hefty rider that! Look fwd to the compilation.

On 01-31-2001 05:13 pm
Austin(effortpop@hotmail.com) posted:

Hello, I'm fairly new to this computers lark and didn't expect to find the amount of interest in the Bears as there obviously is. Wow! Anyway, I have a live recording of a show they did in Birmingham millions of years ago, it's pretty good quality, how do I get a copy to you? Don't ask me to download nothing because I'm not quite at that stage yet.

On 02-05-2001 11:25 am
rob() posted:

hello austin - got a tape of the birmingham gig already. the sea urchins played too and decided to smash up their gear - bit upset. easter songs are already written - in the vague area of gram parsons, neil young and big star- type stuff - just need to find the right people to play on them. there were at least 14 members of the iced bears eventually - mostly bass players. if you find it hard to download why dont you just upload?

On 02-05-2001 06:18 am
nick(nick.emery@mindshareworld.com) posted:

Rob darling, hope you're well, found the original press release the other week - and someone told me about a fanzine...Shy like you!

Godspeed baby, Nickxx

On 02-08-2001 04:40 pm
Austin(effortpop@hotmail.com) posted:

Hi Rob, d'you know, I don't think the Sea Urchins did play that night, I recall it being only 14 Iced Bears after the Hermit Crabs couldn't make it for some reason. 10.11.88 B'ham Synatras. Remember chatting to you after the set and you telling me about a set you had played w/ the Urchins in which you were definitely not impressed. I remember being rather annoyed that I had missed the gig you reffered to as I was a big Sea Urchins fan. But I could be wrong I guess, it just seems unlikely that I would have turned up so late to the gig that I'd have missed them, which makes me think it was a different gig. Anyway,I look fwd to hearing Easter and to the f/coming LP with the Peel sessions on.

On 02-23-2001 05:55 pm
Brian Bongo() posted:

Nice to see this site - interesting considering Bears no longer going as band. It goes to show that a bands material that they produced can still live on possiblty gaining (more?) credibility than they may have achieved when they were going? It seems that the world we live in seems to crave for the latest thing - often ignoring the good things that were made yesterday or even years before. I know not everyone is 'guilty' of only being interested in the latest but there is a lot of this around but I guess that is a trait of music in general.
I guess with ideas like this bands like 'the bears' will hopefully not be forgotten which seems a shame and a waste when can they still have something to give.

On 02-24-2001 04:07 pm
bears archive(bears_archive@athree.co.uk) posted:

why thank you mr bongo for yr glowing praise ... we were genuinely moved to tears ... thank you so very, very much!


On 03-06-2001 07:47 am
smokey robinson & the miracles() posted:

i would just like to thank rod and the boys for their help and collaboration, on our 1989 come-back album. it just wouldn't have been possible without them. thanks to them my career has reached new heights and i would be glad to help out on any upcoming bears projects. thanks boys, and remember "keep the faith"

On 03-09-2001 04:53 am
rob() posted:

fuck i dont remember that, the eighties, phew!

On 03-24-2001 07:28 pm
miranda yolanda() posted:

i couldn't agree more brian !!!

i'm only 17 years old so never saw the iced bears live, so i'll never get the opportunity to sway publicly to those delicate rhythms. so sad :(

pretty flowers, lovely smells and nice boys - these are all the things i love but would swap them in an instant for a copy of the inside ep in the sweetie bag. my tape is threadbear!! whoops! sorry for the pun

bye. love ya!


On 02-10-2001 04:40 pm
Bellshimati(no.money@freeuk.com) posted:

Saw 'the bears' play in London in 87, I think. They were a good band but wore Nancy Boy clothing (often, I believe). I was speaking to the Guitarist afterwards and he left his lighter with me after lending me money....

On 02-11-2001 01:14 pm
Kevin() posted:

It can't have been me lending you money - we never had any. And can I have my lighter back please. Our clothes were bloody fantastic .

On 02-11-2001 04:05 pm
Bellshimati(no.money@freeuk.com) posted:

Hi, Kevin, yeah I remember more now, almost like I am in that venue were we spoke.
Yes, the clothes weren't bad - okay- not Nancy Boy clothes but maybe more along the lines of 'Fancy Boy'. Were can such gear be purchased? I remember I once found this shirt in my old mans garage that had lots of funny patterns on it. I made him put it on but he started shouting and threw mud at me - I laughed more and he threw a punch at me but missed and fell over tearing the Flowery shirt. I started shouting back at him - 'You Tore it, You idiot - Youv'e wrecked it'. He has not spoke to me since.
Can this sorry story be included for the competition? I reckon it has a good moral - DON'T GET INTO 'FANCY BOY' gear especially Shirts - they wreck families.
Wear with care.
I'll get that lighter and £3.25 back to you, where you still live - Brighton?
See yas

On 02-13-2001 03:52 am
Kevin() posted:

i'm sorry about the fight with your dad mr basmati, you should have realised that fancy gear is not to be worn in enclosed spaces, it can cause domestic friction and violence! i had a similar experience, when my dad tried to remove the offending shirt . we haven't spoken since and i think he joined the foreign legion. you can keep the money to buy some fags or something. yes its all coming back to me,i think i can remember you now, you were wearing a red felt hat and a paisley safari suit, did you say you lived in rickmansworth or belfast. i don't live in brighton anymore, i had to leave after the tornado.

On 02-13-2001 05:08 pm
Bellshimati(no.money@freeuk.com) posted:

When is your next gig? I'll give you your money back then.Also heard that the frontman 'Rod'- I think he was called that left the band to become a fireman in the city. Is this true?
Someone told me this but I wasn't sure of the accuracy as he said he was called 'Shirley' which seemed a odd kind of name for a 6ft tall bloke? Did you ever meet this fan of yours?
He also said that he couldn't find any Bears posters so he made some out of felt tip pens and although badly drawn were pretty authentic - he sold a few on a stall in Camden Lock apparently. Is there any Bears parafernalia available- Posters, Keyrings, T shirts or anything like that?

On 02-14-2001 06:42 am
Kevin() posted:

i don't think we have a next gig (sorry), but yes rog did become a fireman i think. but he left when it all became too much, people kept laughing at his shiny helmet. i cant remember shirley but i have one of the badly drawn posters above my bed it helps me to find peace. if you give me your address i can send you some 14 iced bears baseball caps, and a world i love pennant

On 02-14-2001 07:19 am
salif() posted:

i had a similar experience with my dad, i saw the 14 iced bears play and admired their shirts very much, so i bought my own . it was black with shiny parrots on it. the first time i wore it i went into the kitchen to show my dad, he was cooking. he started to scream at me and his body was shaking, i laughed and he went completely wild, he threw eggs and hot fat in my face then he flew at me and i had to wrestle him to the floor, i felt terrible because he started to cry. i will never wear such clothes again

On 02-14-2001 12:32 pm
Bellshimati(no.money@freeuk.com) posted:

Have you any Bears pendants or shiny Copper Medalions- preferably on silver plated shiny chains?
How many pendants were made and how many were produced? I would really like to own one. My friend had a 'Kaftan' that he made with 'The Bears' sprayed on it in thick non-toxic paint. Unfortunately his dad threw it away when he found his son was wearing such outlandish, dapper gear.
Does anyone know what happened to 'Big Ian'?

On 02-15-2001 04:05 am
abdul() posted:

my dad used to wear the green sheep shirt that was often signed by the original drummer, but after a domestic dispute my mum ran off with it. She still won't give it back. There's a stall in Plymouth market that sometimes sells Iced Bears gloveware.

On 02-16-2001 04:55 am
ashok() posted:

i managed to finde a pair of bears gloves, i found them a couple of years ago, on the back of a bus and always wondered what 14 iced bears meant. sometimes at night when i am alone i wear the gloves and imagine i am running naked through the jungle.

On 02-16-2001 05:04 am
ian (big)() posted:

if you were wondering what i've been doing, i set up my own business with raymond jellipino. we paint post-boxes, and for the past ten years we have been travelling the highways and by-ways providing this valuable service. i have some bears parafernalia, a clock with the boys faces on it (robs arms move to tell the time). and a rather fancy 14 iced bears wallet, i can let you have them if you give me a few quid, sorry i havent got the highly collectible bears thermos flask and goggles.

On 02-16-2001 05:09 am
shirley() posted:

hey bellshimati, where did you run off to with my pens, how am i supposed to make a living now? and i'm not 6ft i'm 5ft 11ins. please return the pens and we shall say no more about it. i have a large supply of home made posters on sale at camden.

On 02-16-2001 08:05 am
yoram() posted:

sorry, but who was big ian again?

On 02-17-2001 05:40 am
ian (big)() posted:

hi yoram, i was the bears trusty manservant and valet, i also used to drive a van when the boys went on holiday. unfortunately, i do not have any shiny bears memorabilia. i had to sell these things when my family were starving

On 02-17-2001 05:38 pm
Bellshimati(no.money@freeuk.com) posted:

I heard there were once a small batch of 'Bears Mittens' produced has anyone got a set? Have heard they are quite hard to get hold of but my Grandma saw a set for sale in Oxfam last year. I think 'Big Ian' may have a few sets put by for Rainy days/ Weather.

On 02-17-2001 05:50 pm
Conrad(leo.pard@cwcom.net) posted:

Yeah me too!! Now thats some coincidence - maybe these gloves have special powers?
Could we meet up sometime to discuss these Jungle running techniques? I'm sure our visualizations could prove prosperous and we could go into some kind of franchise together- maybe involving some of the Bears trinkets etc if some can be found / dug out of the archives?

On 02-20-2001 02:53 am
orange geoff() posted:

ive lost my inside underpants.
can anyone help me?

On 02-23-2001 02:30 am
orange geoff() posted:

thank you conrad, would you like some gloves?

On 02-23-2001 05:29 pm
Brian Bongo() posted:

Really like the sound of these trendy Bears cloaks- were there many produced? Are any available online or as free downloads?

On 02-23-2001 05:37 pm
Brian Bongo() posted:

Have just heard that Big Ian can be downloaded. Once downloaded he can be stored on floppy disk and will help with all those difficult to complete jobs at home - from washing up to constucting a barbecue in your hallway. He is polite and gets on with all pets, especially cats. We went on holiday and he fed and groomed our pets for three whole weeks before he needed upgrading to a higher spec. This upgrade only cost £3.50. He also hums Bears tunes although he cannot speak.......

On 02-23-2001 07:10 am
benny() posted:

the underpants i downloaded were gold in colour but were stinky and covered in crap and red paint. it took 30 mins to download them. i could swap some world i love action figures for your socks

On 02-22-2001 07:15 pm
Conrad() posted:

Have heard that Big Ian can upgrade your lost 'inside underpants' for a small fee. He also has the original 1992 Inside Underpant for free download on his website, unfortunately I do not have the address and don't know how to contact him - I heard he set up a business painting Post Boxes and moves around the country regularly providing this service free of charge- what a guy!

On 02-24-2001 04:20 pm
bears archive(bears_archive@athree.co.uk) posted:

please be advised that our official medalions were cast from quality portugese brass. whereas the copper baubles mentioned in the previous post were the work of unscrupulous foreign privateers, who have since been put to death by their brutal [yet co-operative] state judiciary.

On 02-23-2001 06:56 am
neil() posted:

i downloaded a pair of thes special undies and they were, soiled, big ian must wear them himself its disgusting, and why have they got a picture of napoleon inside? would anyone like to swap a bears hat and cloak set for some unopened, sekula socks.

On 02-24-2001 08:07 pm
tony balony() posted:

the cloaks aren't available to download yet ,sorry, but there is an update for the big ian download, if you connect him up properly he rotates slowly and sings hymns. but be careful as i think there may be some problems if you connect him up wrong. he may sing the hurdy gurdy man for hours on end and in some cases he becomes violent. watch this space for cloak availability. if you want them i have got some shiny iced bears trinkets and collectibles also a very desirable signed photo of rob and the boys on holiday in ibiza.

On 02-25-2001 02:07 pm
Tracy GoBetween() posted:

I heard these mittens also glow in the Dark - perfect for those cold dark winter evenings. Once saw the Bears but only one of them showed up for the Gig - he tried hard but I think the crowd (whom had paid) felt a bit hard done by.
Thanks alot and if anyone is in Wolverhampton then feel free to pop in and say hello.

On 02-27-2001 02:36 am
orange geoff() posted:

i just popped in to Wolverhampton and said hello – no reply
if you're ever in amsterdam give us a shout

On 02-27-2001 06:06 pm
Duncan Thunder() posted:

You must be a top Bears collectables dealer? I guess you must run a business to have access to these special items that others cannot offer.
My brother got one of the cloaks that could be downloaded but it split soon after. We complained to the site that we downloaded it off and they just told us to clear off and then sent us an invoice.
Can Big Ian be dangerous if you wire him up wrong after download? We wanna do it but we already are in debt and don't want more expense if he wrecks our flat. Have heard he behaves a bit calmer if you make him drink black tea with 2 teaspoonfuls of petrol in it.
A friend dowloaded him but we think he came out wrong as he cannot really speak and when he does, he changes colour - is this correct? His vocabulary also only consisted of three words and one sentence - FUN, BREAD and LOCUST GUM. The sententence he spoke was ' My Father Radio- like it indeed'. Has anyone got the revised wiring diagram for Big Ian - we would like to modify him to become a little safer to use in the home. Also he smells of burning if you leave him plugged in for more than 25 minutes is this correct?

Thanks again to the bears fans.

On 02-27-2001 06:33 pm
burt backrack() posted:

Being of pop stock i mix in the freakiest of circles & am often given the wierdest of shit! anyways, years back i was handed a test pressing of an album called "songs for swingin' mutha's" by these Bears guys from a producer friend of mine. Man, you have never heard the like!

It's a psychedelic cover versions of big Frank's most lady lovin' friendly (you know what i mean) cut - "songs for swingin' lovers". An odd little disc i just gotta keep coming back to. Sounds like real hardcore hip-hop (vanilla ice meets hammer); lots of profanity and, well let's just say that i never played it to Frank out of respect!! The lyrics were abysmal macho posturing whilst the music was THE most sublime instrumentation i've even been fortunate to hear. Wonderful rhythm section and melody leaping from behind every beat - as i said before, you have never heard the like!

Do any of you good people know if this was ever released commercially in the States? Please tell me there was an instrumental version for loungin'?

*big hugs*

On 03-05-2001 04:38 pm
jason smart() posted:

i'm sorry to hear about your cloak duncan, i think someone must have set up a bootleg bears site. if you go to the big ian download page many top quality items are available. i know that some people have had problems with big ian download, but the bugs are being ironed out and we even have a portable power pack that you can download for a small fee, this will enable you to take big ian to the beach and impress your friends, it runs off of an old car battery.

On 03-05-2001 05:09 pm
tommy fresh fresh() posted:

i would also like to complain about the bears cloaks and big ian. firstly the cloaks are very flammable, i leant it to my friend who admired it very much, he pestered me for hours to get his hands on it, but he is sorry now as he went up like a torch. as for big ian he has terrified my family with his foul language and violent behaviour, for the first hour he just kept muttering about turkish honey ants, and how he wanted me to get him a slut. i leaned foreward to unplug him and he went for me, slashing my face with a cuttroat razor. he held me there for 3 hours asking me where he could get a teenf, what is a teenf? can i download one? eventually he ran out of the house but we are scared he might return, what can we do?

On 03-05-2001 05:50 pm
Brian Bongo() posted:

Yep you heard it here!! We are currently working on an upgrade pack to make BiG Ian's senses work. So at the moment he can only speak a bit (current vocabularly consists of about 38 words). Have also heard reports of him behaving a bit violent- if left plugged in too long. We are going to modify him to run on Nicad batterypacks (available soon £8.99 per pack) we also are also going to design him a new wardrobe as there have been complaints that his clothes are messy. We also think it untrue that someone got him to walk. This would need some real fancy electronics which are too expensive for the basic homepack download. You can also download 'Option Pack 1.1b' which include a new pair of soft boots for him as we heard he could get quite nasty in the boots that come with him on initial download. If you reverse polarity on switch condenser 37.3 and add a 75 Ohm resistor you will now be able to surpress his agressive tendencies. We are currently working on a module that rather than him surpressing these tendencies we will get him to channel it into Carribean Cookery - which as you may know he has been showing a keen interest.
I'm not anything to do with Bears cloaks... whats the latest info on downloads....
Okay good luck with latest BiG Ian V2.3
Any problems mail me or this department...

On 03-05-2001 05:50 pm
billy turbine() posted:

i don't know if you have heard the news but big ian has escaped from his cell in hamburg. he poisoned the guards with siberian ginseng and used a glider made from matchsticks and porridge that he saved and hid. he was seen in berlin a week ago wearing a rather lovely tassled cloak with the slogan "bears forever" in sequins on the back, he was also wearing a pair of pink rubber trousers and smelt of talcum powder. he was muttering something about julian cope and locust gum, and threatening to bring terror to all 14 iced bears members. please inform the police if you see him he is clearly a maniac.

On 03-05-2001 06:27 pm
tony balony() posted:

there is now a full range of bears memorabilia. it is available to download NOW so get cracking. some of the items may take a while to load onto your computer so you will have to be patient. the cloaks, underpants, socks and gloves are of course in plentiful supply and a new range of rod sceptic slogans are included. car bumper stickers are new to the range and include "if you can read this you are a bears fan", my other band is the bears", and "don't laugh your daughter is in here with rod" and many others.
lifesize posable figurines of all the boys are also available (outfits are inter-changable), but be quick girls they're selling fast. probably the most desirable product is a full download of rods mind, this should fit snugly onto your hard drive (we hold no responsibility for any thoughts contained in this download). there is also a video containing "the fans choices" this is a very watchable collection of all the boys doing what they do best, it also contains clips from the film "johnny mississipi" where rod plays the starring role of a drunken riverboat gambler in the old wild west. the full catalogue of 14 iced bears products can be downloaded on a pdf format.

On 03-06-2001 07:40 am
dirk rucksack() posted:

thanks for the info brian, my new big ian now functions on a far more satisfactory level. i only have one complaint, why have you given him the soft suede boots, he looks like a gay version of the lone ranger. the nicad power pack now means i can take big ian anywhere and set him up to do a multitude of otherwise boring tasks, he works as a pump for the garden pond and also tells nursery rhymes to the children. i have tried big ians new culinary experiments, not bad, although at the moment he can only cook rice with peas. once again many thanks for the re-wiring tips.

why was the original big ian made out of putty and cork, surely it was oviously going to cause design faults?

On 03-07-2001 05:33 pm
Brian Bongo() posted:

Don't worry Folks this is a 'Clone' of BiG IaN. A group of crack amateur Electronic Hobbyists downloaded him and made modifications to the Rhino(TM) PCB Function switch which control his behaviour / speech and vital bodily fluid. We have now recaptured this clone and will be flying it back to England where we will calm him with Cynamon tea mixed with petrol and herbs.
An interesting feature of this 'clone' is that he enjoys the soothing sounds of the French Military Baroque Band. Sometimes he has been known to dance even, mainly to the sounds of a jews harp. Trouble is though his condenser port is put together wrong and as he dances he swears alot and throws punches at pedestrians. The crack electronic hobbyists who downloaded him are in custody now but are claiming political insanity. They shot down a Helicopter with a homemade catapult that fired heavy logs - the pilot was uninjured altough the Helicopter got a little scratched as it hit the ground. It is thought that they modified BiG IaN against his will which is a good sign that he is becoming safer to use in the home. Any news on Latest Bears Cloaks - when will a new batch be available for download?

On 03-07-2001 05:46 pm
Billy Presto() posted:

My Big Ian acts similiar too - I am very satisfied with him and wife (Sheila) quite likes him as well, although she gets a bit upset when he swears on the Bus. We also have to have him him on a Dog lead when we take him in the street as he keeps running off shouting that he needs to get to Belgium where he believes the Bears are playing a gig and he has to pick them up? Also you mention that he tells the children nursery rhymes - well, I think my download must have come out a bit wrong as he SELLS Nursery Rhymes to our son. I think it may have been because we interrupted the download as we couldn't wait to get the latest version of him.
Also my BiG Ian likes Bubble Gum - is this normal? Trouble is again he Eats it after chwing it for 42 minutes then gets violent with me if I don't get him more. The other night I spent £23.50 on Bubble Gum and got 2 black eyes and a dislocated shoulder after he got me in a 'Head Lock'. I don't mind that much though as he represents excellent value for money and our friends are impressed when they come round for dinner as he gives them money and dances to the excellent sounds of the 'French Military Baroque Big
Thanks for a great product.

On 03-07-2001 05:55 pm
Martha Goodchild() posted:

I downloaded the catalogue of Bears Items and it seems that this Big Ian thing kept appearing on my screen. We were scared of him and he kept saying 'My Father Radio - Like it much'. We have had to have a computer expert come up to get rid of him as whenever we put our computer on he was there.
Is it true that a company has decided to make 'Bears' cars. Have heard that they are based on an East German Design but only do about 11 miles to the gallon and have a top speed of 23 miles per hour. They run on a mixture of Ribena and Andrews Liver Salts. Anyone know if these cars are available for Download? We don't mind paying a bit as we got 3 correct numbers in the lottery last week. The correct numbers were 5 - 18 - 32.

On 03-08-2001 05:10 pm
Jeff Brush() posted:

Hiy Boys...
Anyone know where I can get hold of a pair of Spandex Pants?
I wanna look real hot on stage for my bands first gig...
We play a mixture of 80's Soft metal (Europe / with a small influence of Abba/ Deep Purple).
Thanks guys.

On 03-09-2001 02:06 pm
Brian Bongo() posted:

We designed BiG IaN to be made out of Putty and Cork as these were the materials he chose himself. He didn't have much cash at the time and that was all he could afford. We took all the money he had £27.65 and bought the materials. He felt strange after we remade him out of these materials and couldn't walk properly. For the first few days he had to be pushed around in a wheelbarrow until we made up a PCB to control his leg muscles. Now he is stronger than ever and does not need to drink other than the familiar Black Tea and two teaspoonfuls of petrol. You can also keep him operating in tip top condtion if every two weeks you add a teaspoon of Brake fluid to the tea that he feeds on. We have also fixed him so that he no longer has the bad habit of eating small insects. To keep him clean it is best to put him into 'low power mode' and was him down with a stiff wire brush and plenty of freezing cold water. This is unpleasant for him at first but he says that he feels nice and warm afterwards even if it is cold weather as anything is better than the feel of the cold water. Therefore he does not need to be kept in warmth and he can easily be left in the garden or chained to a lamp post if you do not wish to keep him indoors at night. He should be safe if you do choose to keep him indoors but it is best to put a combination lock on him as he usually tries to watch TV all night long or radio. If you are getting annoyed by our design fault where he keeps saying 'My father Radio - like very much' then just resolder resistor 56g and replace with a 2 Ohm Zener Diode. This is a pleasant alternative where he will make soft noises like that of a hedgehog at night.

On 03-14-2001 07:15 am
yoram() posted:

i'll swap a nick roughley action-figure with gripping hands for a wonder bra

On 03-15-2001 03:12 pm
benny() posted:

i wouldn't mind the wonderbra, very uplifting. you can have the nick roughly figure, the only thing is i've lost his large leather punk-rocker boots, also the figure is of nick during his overweight period.

On 03-15-2001 03:23 pm
juan de pareha() posted:

i would just like to let people know about some modifications that are possible with the new calmer big ian. i have fitted him with a race tuned 2-stroke engine and have ridden him to work for the past 3 days, there were some problems fitting the engine but enlarging the chest cavity seems to work. i also had some problems with miss firing but this was cured by fitting larger jets and adjusting the timing (a good quality tt oil is also recommended). i managed to get ian up to 60mph the other day but this is not a good idea as the brakes are really crap, but you can fit a louder horn to compensate for this (fog horns available from halfords). also, make sure you fit him with all weather para boots the suede boots have no grip at all.

if anyone is interested in starting a big ian owners club please leave a message.

On 03-15-2001 03:31 pm
barry krebbs() posted:

i have found a rare pair of leather punk rocker boots for the nick roughly action figure. i don't know how i came by them, just picked them up i suppose. i will swap them for bears battery powered tour bus toy or any "interesting" bears memorabilia. please don't offer "blow up" stuff, i lost interest in them after they released "pooh valley" i believe this song was about the zeebrugge ferry disaster and in very poor taste.

On 03-19-2001 01:30 pm
bears hq() posted:

sorry about the faulty big ians, fans, bears boffins have been working hard and hope this version will not cause distress. but we can't be sure...


On 03-19-2001 02:59 pm
Steve Austin() posted:

I have a official Bears lemon necklace- hardly used. I maybe interested in swapping for the boots- are there 2 of them ?

On 03-24-2001 04:21 pm
Brian Glendale() posted:

What is this Big Ian thing? Is it some kind of Virtual Robot or something like that? Can it be downlaoaded? Is there any charges to pay? What can it do?
My friend built a robot once but it was fairly limited in what it could do. Have heard this Big Ian thing can speak - how does this work?
Do you need any electronics experience or is it totally virtual? Help would be appreciated.
Can it be downloaded at the above address? thanks.... by the way how the hell is this related to music??

On 03-24-2001 07:15 pm
pappa brittle() posted:

as far as i've always been aware big ian is the bears spiritual leader, as with lennon and mcarney, brian wilson and wotsisname, peters and lee, fish and chips, they're simply synominous with one another. inseperable. big ian held the keys to all bears wisdom, they were but a vehicle for his twisted philosophies. bears would not exist without his relentless drive for truth.

i heard big ian abandoned western culture many years ago, shortly after the bears split, and moved to the indian sub-continent to persue a life of contemplation. the downloads first appeared a couple of years later due to the demand of ardent followers desperate for ian's influence. unfortunately the project has been somewhat hit and miss due to the limitations of modern technology being unable to grasp the complexities of big ians psyche.

the latest download v4.2? mentioned by bears hq is in essence the disco upgrade for beta v.4.0 which was only available for a limited period a few months ago.

i hope this helpful.

pappa brittle

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