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Date Posted: 06:20:45 11/20/99 Sat
Author: Mr Miavia
Subject: To the Greatest Gay wrestler of all time, the Uk Marshall

Michael Cole: Mr Miavia was seen here backstage and it seems that he is looking for the UK Marshall.

Out of nowhere, Mr Miavia emerged from the crowded team of wrestlers.

Mr Miavia: Who says I am looking for that Gay!! Michael Cole, Mr Miavia says this, never EVER put words into Mr Miavia's mouth.

MC: I am sorry Miavia, but I really thought that you were looking for the UK Marshall.

Miavia: Wait a minute, who the hell is the UK Marshall!!

MC: Well, he is.....


MC: But Miavia, the UK Marshall says that he wants to fight you and if you don't accept the challenge, he will come and find you.

Miavia: Let him do what he wants. UK whatever, Mr Miavia says this, it doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter what you are, it doesn't matter what you say and IT JUST....DOESN'T......MATTER! You can come and find me if you want and if you really cannot find me, you can come and look for me at the "Smackbottom Hotel". It is just around "Know your Role" boulevard and after the junction, keep to your right. You will then see the statue of the Great One and just right ahead, you will see a 20 storey, magnificient-looking, billion dollar hotel. If you're still stuck, go to the reception and ask the receptionist named UK Bitch for Mr Miavia's VIP Room. After going through all that stuff and if you're still stuck, why don't you go back to UK, get some whores and play around with them until Mr Miavia calls you and then, you can see the Great One. I may not guarantee you though because I am a busy man. Oh yes 1 last thing. If you find that the UK whores are not good for you, you can take full advantage of our special rates where if you sleep in my hotel for 1 night, I will send 10 whores down to your room. You may choose from a wide range of women. We have the old, wrinkled, ugly, hideous-looking and grotesque women JUST FOR YOU. If you don't mind MC, I have to go now because I have another business opportunity. So UK Gay, take your time and go through my offer for you. As for now, F**k Off!!

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