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Subject: Interesting point, Rambow, but how do you explain the extra layer in between the President's office and the AD that we have? I can't understand the rationale for that move other than the fact that O'Hare felt he needed to be carefully watched and wasn't capable of running the dept. as others in other institutions are. Is there an explanation for that, that I'm missing?

PA Ram
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Date Posted: 08:43:19 05/09/05 Mon
In reply to: Rambow 's message, "These comments are being made when several sports teams are turning in better records and showing more promise for the future than they have in the last decade. Men's basketball, football, baseball, and softball are in much better condition. Perhaps the problem was Fr. O'Hare, not Frank. I had come to the position that Frank should go, just so that we could turn the page, but I have always suspected that Fr. O'Hare was more the problem than Frank. Consider a non-athletic problem like the WFUV transmitter. How long did it take Fr. McShane to fix that one? Why didn't Fr. O'Hare fix it?" on 07:25:11 05/09/05 Mon

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There is an additional possibility - that putting in that extra layer was also a way to deliberately keep the AD from becoming too powerful, and thus siphoning off donations that the University wanted to steer towards the General Fund and projects it regarded as more pressing. The University does like to do everything centrally, as opposed to decentralized like the Ivies ("where every tub rests on its own bottom" as they like to say at Harvard). (NT)DamnRam09:04:57 05/09/05 Mon

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