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Subject: WTG Lexie on all your wins!!

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Date Posted: 10/22/04 4:12:16pm

Congratulations Lexie!
* Pageantgirl Productions Florida State *

Thank you Miss Becky for such a fun weekend, I love my crown, it's my favorite!
Thanks Miss Debbie for making my 1st tanning experience so much fun...Emily too!!
Miss Sherri,thanks for always making me look so pretty and being such a good friend, I love you!
Mr. Paul...you are the BOMB! You always help keep me occupied and keep me happy while I'm in H/M....BIG xoxo
Rob & Noelle, you and your family ROCK!!! Thanks Alyssa for being my "SUPER-FRIEND"
Finally to the most important, God...thank you for being my Heavenly Father! Without you in my heart, I wouldn't have the light to shine!
Oh..my family too!! Mommy & Daddy I love you and my big brother Brandon, I love you, so much, you are my bestest friend!
Congratulations to all the winners and I hope to see you at Nationals!!

Pageant Hugs,
Alexis Zarifis

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WTG Lexie!
* Sweet Pea Overall Grand *

Thanks Miss Cindy, it was a blast!! Thanks for all the nice compliments!
Thanks mommy...Miss Sherri would have been so proud of you, you made me look so beautiful
A big thank you to my "Auntie-Sara", thanks for helping mommy fix and sew my clothes, what would we have done without you!
Thank you daddy for surprising me and driving home all that way with having no sleep from the night before! You are the best daddy!
Brandon..love ya bro!
Congratulations everyone, and I hope to see you at the Mini-Nationals...
Oh...I cannot forget to say....Thanks Miss Donna, I know I just started, but you would have been so proud of me at my last 2 pageants!!! I am working really hard, and I can't wait to see you next month to show you my "strut"!!

Pageant hugs,
Alexis Zarifis

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