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Subject: WTG Emily!!!

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Date Posted: 11/ 7/08 12:40:15pm

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Thank you Miss Denise for an awesome pageant!!! I had such a great time and love all my toys. I am so proud to be able to represent your pageant and cannot wait for Nationals!

Thank you Miss Leslie for making me look so beautiful again. You always know exactly what to do for that just right look. I love you to the stars and back and look forward to at least another 7 years of you doing my H/M !!!!

Miss Tiffany, I missed you this weekend, but you would have been so proud of how hard I worked. I cant believe how only a few lessons would make such a huge difference. I have been really practicing hard and cant wait to see you again, you make practicing fun again!

Savannah and Miss Amber.. What can I say but THANK YOU for all your support!! Savannah, thank you for filling in for Miss Tiffany, I couldn't have done it without you and your pep talks. You are so funny and such a great friend I LOVE YOU! TKO's ROCK!!!!!

Congratulations to all the other winners too. You were all awesome and I loved to see all those wonderful routines and pretty smiles. Alexis you are still my "big fry" and will always be my big sister! Morgan I loved your sportswear routine it was so adorable.. YOU ROCK! The biggest congrats goes to Miranda though.. Wow you were such a pretty princess and we were so proud of you for going on that stage! You have come a long way and truly showed everyone what pageantry is really about !!!!

Way to go everyone and hope to see you all at Nationals!!!!

Emily Tye

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Subject Author Date
WTG EMILY! Wish we could have been there to root you on! Hugs Anna and Girls (NT)Anonymous11/ 9/08 8:39:11am

You go girl we knew you could do it. (NT)Anonymous11/12/08 9:31:50pm

Emily I am so proud to have you as my Fl state grand supreme, MIss Denise (NT)Anonymous11/23/08 10:22:35pm

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