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Date Posted: 03/12/09 11:57:42pm


Thank you Miss Cheryl and Mr Paul for an awesome pageant! I am so glad we were finally able to make it to Tennessee for your pageant, it was a BLAST! It was so funny at crowning when my name wasn't called for beauty, mommy thought I didn't get anything, so when I was called for the 7 and up overall Beauty / interview winner I thought she was going to pass out! I had the best time there and although my title wasn't huge to some people, to me it was like winning a grand supreme!

Miss Theresa M.. thank you for my beautiful Hair and Make up! You are so sweet and made me look absolutely perfect every time. And even though Lelia was in my group you still treated me special.. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and cant wait for you to do my hair again! AND a huge congrats to Leila on your big win too!

Miss Nikki, what can I say... If it wasn't for you, I dont think I would be where I am today. I feel like the goose that became the swan.. You have helped me to become so much more confident in myself and I enjoy the stage even more now. I love you to the moon and back and cannot wait for Mr Storm to arrive so I can spoil him like a little brother! Mommy and grandma have already been looking at the Harley Store LOL

Congratulations to all the other winners it was great seeing all my old friends and meeting new ones.. I cant wait until next year to to it all again!!!

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Subject Author Date

Saw this link on TWOP and I guess you really do love what your doing and do win a whole lot. Congratulations Emily from someone at TWOP (NT)Anonymous03/25/09 12:33:49pm

ITS SIERRA MERCURIOAnonymous04/ 1/09 5:18:32pm

wtg et (NT)Anonymous09/13/09 9:59:49pm

tt (NT)Anonymous12/26/09 2:08:25pm

hAPPY!!!Anonymous05/31/10 11:48:44am

ygg (NT)Anonymous08/23/10 1:33:56pm

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