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Subject: Toodles Doodles!!!

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Date Posted: 09/22/09 4:45:25pm

Thank You Miss Cheryl & Mr Jim for an amazing & fun pageant! I cannot believe that I finally won one of those BIG crowns! It is such an honor to be one of your queens & I will hold this title proudly! And Brooke, WOW I can’t believe how beautifully you sing! You & Mr Tim make a great duo. You are such a sweet girl & a great pageant sister.

Miss Laura, thank you for making me look so beautiful! I am so glad you are doing hair & make up again, you always make me look perfect. AND everytime you have done me I have won, so just plan on going to every pageant I go to LOL! You are awesome & mommy said since you helped me to win such a big title, she will forgive you for making her sick LOL!

Miss Nikki, words can’t even begin to describe how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. This past year has been amazing & I can’t thank you enough for never giving up & believing in me even though I didn’t like making faces during practice, or just didn’t practice hard enough. I love you to the moon & back & of course Storm will always be my favorite little man!

Thank you Mary Elizabeth for being there with me all weekend & staying back stage. Your great personality & smile helped to keep me calm & to do my best on stage. I can’t wait to see you again & give you another HUGE hug for helping me!

Mikayla, you & your mom are the BOMB!!! I had a blast spending time with you all weekend getting hamburgers & especially when we finally got out of the hotel for that ice cream. I think that was the best weekend I have ever had!! We need to do it again SOON!

Congrats to all the other winners, I am so honored to be a part of such an amazing royalty. You are all such wonderful girls (& boys!!)…can’t wait to see you all next year when we can all crown together!!

Good luck to everyone at what ever pageant you do next & always keep that smile in your heart!!!

Emily Tye
Dixieland National 5-10 Level 3 Grand Supreme

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Subject Author Date
OMG Emily you are stunning. You have grown into a beautiful young lady (NT)Anonymous09/22/09 11:12:13pm

Oh my Emily you look beautiful congratulations on your big win Pageant Hugs JS (NT)Anonymous09/25/09 3:27:00pm

CONGRATULATIONS XOXO SARA (NT)Anonymous09/25/09 7:59:50pm

Congratulations Emily it was a well deserved win. (NT)Anonymous10/ 1/09 2:51:11pm

How did I miss this Emily Congratulation for you fantastic win at Dixieland we told you were going to win big and you did. You new pageant frinends the Davis Family (NT)Anonymous10/ 5/09 12:06:03am

YGG (NT)Anonymous12/26/09 2:10:33pm

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