Novice of the Year 6 and Up Beauty Supreme
*** You Go Girl!! ***
Novice of the Year 6 and
Up Beauty Supreme
Thank you Miss Luane for an awesome pageant! It is so much fun and you really do go all out for the kids. I cant believe everything you do! I am so proud and honored to be your 6 and up beauty supreme!
Miss Madonna, thank you for my amazing H/M!! I am so glad you decided to change my hair for beauty. Mommy said I looked like a true life barbie doll ! You and Miss Ashley are so sweet and wonderful and always know how to make me look perfect. I love you both to the stars and back !!!
Miss Christina, I cant thank you enough for all you have done for me! You push me but yet make it fun at the same time. I actually want to practice LOL You and Miss Valerie are so amazing and I am so proud to be a "Supreme" !!! It feels so good to be a part of such an awesome pageant family! I love you and cant wait to see you again and see what you have planned next !
Jozelle, Jessica and Kendall, you are true pageant sisters and even though I only get to see you once a year, it is like we have been friends forever! I cant wait until next year to see you all again !!!!! Oh and Jozelle and Miss Kai, thank you for going to the airport early to sit with us, it made the wait so much more fun, but it was so hard to leave.
congrats to all the other winners and see you next year!!!!!
XOXO Emily Tye
6 and up beauty supreme
banners gone wild