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Date Posted: 14:23:50 10/20/03 Mon
Author: Antonio L.
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Subject: Seduced, By An Ocean


She had never seen you before,
deep, brooding.
Tiny wavelets flow to your shore,
an ocean, constantly moving.

She walked bare-footed on your sand,
you put your moon to watch her,
on stirring air, your sirens' band.
She looks into you, and in a murmer...

"Where do you come from, mighty sea,
where have you been before,
what in your travels did you see
before you found me on this shore?"

And you spoke. And she opened her mind to your spell.
Those smiling lips apart...
ear to whispers from sighing shell,
ready to follow her wayward heart.

"I come from the east and I come from the west
from lands far too many to count,
and I have seen people whose lives have been blessed
from peasants, to kings on the mount.

"I am strong and all knowing and can offer you much
from riches to love and good marriage,
so if you are looking for riches and such,
come ride in my watery carriage."

With hope in her heart and a spring in her step
she ran into your welcoming arms.
I called out too late, she went into your depth,
she succumbed to your treacherous charms.

Tiny wavelets now at ebb,
your conspiring moon has gone.
In her footsteps I sadly tread,
alone, I cannot remain alone...

Antonio L. Copyright © 2003

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