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Re: Dan Van word recognition toy. -- mitch, 17:28:04 12/02/12 Sun (
>Hello,I was wondering if you ever found anyplace that you could get parts for your Dan Van as I have one that needs the mircrophone >If anyone could help me find info about the following
>>toy I would be very thankful:
>>I have one. It doesnt work. Its been in the box for
>30+ years. I think maybe wiring needs to be looked at.
>>Dan Van by Entel 1978. This little van is a word
>>recognition toy. It has a rubber microphone on top
>>and goes when you tell it to go, stops and truns by
>>voice command. I would like to know where/if they can
>>be bought and if anyone can repair one. Any info at
>>all we be helpful.
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Re: Dan Van word recognition toy. -- zeliha (how much is dan word comman worth now), 01:19:56 04/28/13 Sun (
>If anyone could help me find info about the following
>toy I would be very thankful:
>Dan Van by Entel 1978. This little van is a word
>recognition toy. It has a rubber microphone on top
>and goes when you tell it to go, stops and truns by
>voice command. I would like to know where/if they can
>be bought and if anyone can repair one. Any info at
>all we be helpful.
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