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Date Posted: 03:00:44 11/02/14 Sun
Author: Dick Gozinya
Subject: Re: Dava Jones
In reply to: Lyle Hobson 's message, "Dava Jones" on 15:02:21 04/06/04 Tue

Be it known to all that Dava Jones aka Dava Ballard is and has always been a deadbeat MOM who abandoned her children, never visited, paid child support, or offered anything worthwhile to her 3 boys their entire lives, only called them on her birthday and mothersday, (not XMAS or their b-day), promised them a trip to Disneyland when they were only 6 and 9 years old, only to send them a postcard of whatelse, Her and MickyMouse!! She is an evil bitch, a doper, a snitch, caused the demise of 1 former husband by setting him up to get herself out of trouble. Then when her youngest son (whom she abandoned while he was still in diapers) was 17 and a half years old, less than six monthes prior to his becoming 18, she decides to file for custody! To justify her so called motherhood, I presume! A little late, but she still managed to fuck him up by taking him to a doctor and getting him on anti depressants and giving him full control of the prescription, having him score her drugs and allowing him to drive her car, without a license to score them. Then, when he wrecked her car, she said he stole it and got him charged with a felony to cover her own ass, all before he could become 18! What a good Mother Dava, you should be not only ashamed, but FUCKING SCORNED, SPAT, AND SHIT ON IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE BY ALL WHO LIVE ANY WHERE NEAR YOUR PIECE OF SHIT CUNT ASS !! Do you think that double masectomy might be KARMA?? Couldn't have been too great a loss though because you had ugly weird looking tits anyway!! Beware of this evil titless bitch!!!
>My name is Lyle Hobson. I 'am searching for a lady by
>the name of Dava Louise Jones. Jones is her maiden
>name. Dava has been married three times once to a
>man with the last name of Newman/ allso to a Tim Law/
>Both ended in divorce. Dava Has three sons and they
>live with there dads in Pasco Washington. Dava may be
>liveing in Colorado Springs Colorado. I was told that
>Dava is or was married to a man by the name of Tery
>Ballard. So Dava could be useing the last name of
>Ballard. Dava has two or three sisters. But They have
>all moved and I don't know there last names.
>I have been searching for Dava for about five years. I
>live in Walla Walla WA. and about six and half years
>ago I met Dava when she moved from Pasco WA. To Walla
>Walla WA. Dava and I dated for about a year. and then
>Dava moved. Dava and I lost contact with her some time
>after that. is there anyone out there that can help me
>get in touch with Dava. I miss her and would like to
>here from her.I would like to know if Dava is doing
>well. my phone is 509-522-4917 anyone that can help
>may call collect anytime. my email address is
>shaggyb4@hotmail.com my mailing address is P.O Box
>1292 Walla Walla WA. 99362 Dava's date of birth is
>OCT.- 01-1958
>the last four numbers of Dava social security are 8026
>Dava if you see this notice would you please contact
>me I miss you. and I wounder what ever happened to
>you. thank you. lyle hobson........

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