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Subject: Blow job co lam lay nhiem HIV khong?

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Date Posted: 00:37:24 05/22/01 Tue

O day co ai la bac si khong?
Toi muon hoi la lieu khi minh suck (bu') mot nguoi khac hay get sucked (duoc bu') boi mot nguoi khac thi co kha nang lay nghiem HIV khong?


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[> Subject: Re: Blow job co lam lay nhiem HIV khong?

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Date Posted: 14:51:36 07/06/01 Fri

>O day co ai la bac si khong?
>Toi muon hoi la lieu khi minh suck (bu') mot nguoi
>khac hay get sucked (duoc bu') boi mot nguoi khac thi
>co kha nang lay nghiem HIV khong?
Patient tha^n me^'n.

To^i kho^ng la` ba'c si? nhu*ng co' chu't hie^?u bie^'t ve^` va^'n dde^` na`y theo su*. hu*o*'ng da^?n cu?a ba'c si? chuye^n khoa .

Ra(`ng ba.n kho^ng the^? bi. la^y Sida khi la`m ti`nh ba(`ng mie^.ng, Sida chi? co' the^? la^y nhie^?m qua ddu*o*`ng ma'u ma` tho^i, vi` va^.y pha?i ca^?n tha^.n khi nha^.n (Juice)
va`o mie^.ng tu*` ngu*o*`i kha'c, thi` ba.n pha?i cha('c ra(`ng trong mie^.ng (ra(ng) cu?a ba.n kho^ng bi. cha?y ma'u
va` cho ba.n hay ra(`ng vi khua^?n HIV kho^ng the^? la^y ddu*o*.c trong bao tu*?.


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[> [> Subject: Re: Blow job co lam lay nhiem HIV khong?

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Date Posted: 01:47:46 08/06/01 Mon

Chao Allo,
Cam on ban rat nhieu.
Tuy nhien gan day co mot so bai bao ve ket qua nghien cuu khoa hoc. Ket qua cho la van co mot ti le mau thu bi lay nhiem qua duong mieng. Ho cho la co mot ti le HIV trong nuoc bot. Ket qua nay lam toi lo lam. Boi vi oral sex la hoat dong tinh duc chinh cua gioi gay. Dac biet la o VN, o nhung noi cong cong cac gays luon luon cho nguoi khac cum in their mouths. Toi nghi ho khong y thuc duoc van de nay.
Nhu vay co nghia la nguoi nhan (receiving heads) van khong bi lay HIV neu nhu anh ta khong bi tray xuoc gi o duong vat tu nguoi cho (giving head) chu?

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