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Date Posted: 22:56:19 02/07/02 Thu

Ummmmmm, Hi. my name is Erron. And im bout to demand some respect for this board. Im not gunna do it by gettin on PKU and toutin it as kewl. No offence to Mark who runs PKU we are tight, but not my style. Little high school type raver talk drama is retarded. So all of you cut it out.

Ima start takin off messages as i please. AND IF I SEE ONE MORE DIRTY RAVER WHORE SLUT on here talkin about blowin greg(props to greg) on gettin blown at his party, ima puke. Im sure its a total fabricated story. Well there is this rochelle gurl i know about who would do that, but enough about her. DAAAANG TIME FOR ME TO GO OFFF HUH. Alright back in the day before most of u who come to this page were even at parties, this was a very respected and very well viewed website with lots of content. This board was a late coing and after Mr. Ficano decided I was contributing directly to the help of spreading raves it had to be pretty much closed. If any of u ever wanna see the oldest record I have of the site lemme know ill post the link. I think its harmless now. But yeah, gambles, goodies, calm down. Talk about music or something. Oh wait, thats only what the scene was about at some point. Forget talkin about that. I knwo a few of u and u have all been very kewl to me for a long time. If you are one of those ignore this meesage. If not then dont. AND TO THE WHORE: I wrote a how to article back in like feb 2000 just for someone like u. Im out, peace

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Re: DANG YO THIS BOARD SUCKS NOW!!!Lucas09:20:18 02/08/02 Fri

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