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Subject: Re: where did all the parties go?

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Date Posted: 22:50:29 02/08/02 Fri
In reply to: dharmaRAVER 's message, "where did all the parties go?" on 18:12:40 02/08/02 Fri

Hey Dude, Its winter, alot of production companies hide in the winter, plus alot are afraid of getting busted, but cops are off raves now and moved up to busting the afterhours, cops dont have shit at a rave, at the afterhours they get nitrous, and they have someone to point a finger at. As for raves, too many people started thinking it was "soo cool" but have no idea what going to a rave was all about, so everybody went into "detroit techno" mode disassociated themselves with raves and all the real parties all went back underground. they be around you just have to look harder, plus alot of punkass production companies just sprung up to throw cheap parties and call them raves just to make a shit load of money, look forward to a party were gonna throw later this year, its probly gonna be an indoor and outdoor thing $5, cheap water, and good lights, but its invite only so many people wont even know about it till afterwards....parties are around, people are getting sick of going to clubs as an alternative, at least everyone i know is...........

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Re: where did all the parties go?dscend23:21:35 02/18/02 Mon

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