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Subject: Re: i am so sad

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Date Posted: 23:37:27 04/14/02 Sun
In reply to: goodies 's message, "i am so sad" on 12:50:06 02/28/02 Thu

My name is sarah, I used to live in michigan and go to detroit parties all the time...every weekend. I can totally understand what you are feeling. i had been going to parties for like 4 years, i seen it change so much and it all boiled down to one thing....MONEY...i miss going to parties but i have other obligations now that keep me happy...very happy, i got married, bought a house and have a beautiful daughter named abby (shes turning one next month) I still listen to the music, buy the cds, look up the scene every so often, but a cd in the player will never be the same as listening to it live, watching everyone stare in amazment at the dj, others dancing their hearts out to thier favorite song...everyone uniting over this amazing set the dj is throwing together...the scene will never be the same...and in 7 years people will be saying the same thing...it will never be the same thing...take the demf for instance, the first one..some what commercialized whs awsome,, the best thing ever..20,000+ all watching richie hawtin do his magic, the 2nd one on the other hand was a joke, by no fault of the djs or the people who went to listen to the music, make new friends and have fun but by the people who thought it would be fun to get riddiculously fucked up and ruin it for others and because it was so damn commercialized! we went there for a stupid CAR ... we were there for the MUSIC! now that ive rammbled on and on i will go now, but please hear me out detroit, keep the scene real dont fuck it up or we will be just like the news...

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Re: i am so sadLuke14:13:20 06/15/02 Sat

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